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  • Competency Examples

    If you go to: Administration > HR > Data Management > Competencies You can add some competencies for your organization. Here is some list of ideas you can add: Action-Oriented - Enjoys working hard...

  • Skip Duplicate Data in Job Bulk Uploads

    A new function available when completing bulk uploads is the Skip option. [img src=""]  This is only available for the follow...

  • Adding A Link to Your Image in Announcements

    You can add a link to your image in the same way as we currently do for text. To do this, in your content box, choose the image you would like to display on your announcement. [img src="https://hrwiz...

  • Using Module Templates to Customize The User Experience

    Within HRWize, it is possible to customize which parts of the system are available or visible to individual users or groups of users. One of the most powerful tools to achieve this is Module Templates...

  • Bulk Uploader

    When uploading employee documents, differentiating what type of document goes into which folder needs to be outlined. For example, if all files are named John Smith Contract, the system will look for ...

  • Difference Between Using an Employee Bulk-Upload vs. Update Employees Bulk Upload

    If you go to: Administration > Company > Bulk Upload Under Bulk Upload, there are 2 bulk uploads under the Employees section concerning employees. One is called Employees, while the other one is cal...

  • Competency Bulk-Upload

    HRWize offers 2 possibilities for the bulk-upload of competencies.  Let's take an example of this bulk-upload template. The first column allows you to choose Employee or Job Role Name in the first co...

  • Currency Conversion Rates

    HRWize updates currency conversion rates on a daily basis from a live feed. Within HRWize, it is possible for each company to upload their own exchange rates into the system. These exchange rates wil...

  • Time Tracking Settings

    The following settings can be used to configure your time tracking module and can be accessed via: Administration > Company > Settings > Time tracking settings Please Note - Except where specified, ...

  • Filter the Dashboard

    You can now filter employee-related data on the Extended Dashboard by Manager, Department and/or Site. The filter doesn't apply to other statistics such as Candidates, Documents, Actions, Logins etc. ...