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Updating Employee Salaries with Bulk Upload

When looking to import employee salary data, there are two bulk options that can be used:

  • Update EXISTING employees: Updates the current values with the new information in the bulk for each employee with the option to record the changes in each employee’s salary history. An example use case would be a recurring yearly salary update.
  • Employee history: This update is designed to add historical information to an employee’s salary history. The values entered in this bulk are previous salaries that are no longer active. An example use of this option would be importing old data when setting up HRWize during implementation.

Here are instructions for the Update EXISTING employees, which will be used most often:

  1. Access the bulk upload page and find the Update EXISTING employees bulk.
  2. Download the CSV template and fill out the file with the new employee salaries in the appropriate columns.
    • If only updating current salary, ensure the following columns are filled out:
      • Column A: Works ID or System ID.
      • Column W, X, Y: The value of the new salary, the currency, and the rate (per annum/per hour).
      • Column BY: The date of the salary change in dd/mm/yyyy.
      • Column BZ: The change reason. This reason must already exist in HRWize.
    • If entering historic salary information, ensure the following columns are filled out:
      • Column A: Works ID or System ID.
      • Column T, U, V: The value of the new salary, the currency, and the rate (per annum/per hour). Please note that this file is a history record, not a change record - this means we're looking to understand what your data changed FROM not what it changed to upon the effective date. Your initial employee data upload holds current values so this upload should only contain the prior history values.
      • Column AB: The date of the salary change in dd/mm/yyyy.
      • Column AC: The change reason. This reason must already exist in HRWize.
  3. Upload the file saved as a UTF-8 CSV file.

During the upload stage, please indicate whether you selected Works ID or System ID as the unique employee identifier, and whether you would like the system to keep a record of the previous salary data. If you choose not to create a history record, the system will simply overwrite old data with the new values in the display on the employee’s information page. Clients typically keep a history record for annual reviews.

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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 4 years ago
  3. Updated a year ago
