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Bulk Upload - Expense Payments

The below article is relating to the bulk upload - Expense Payments which can be found by going to Administration > Company > Bulk Upload.

The Expense Payments Bulk Upload can be found within the Non Core Data section.

This bulk upload allows you to add expense reports to the Expense Payments table, this will update those reports to show as Paid in HRWize.

When you load the page the most important parts relating to bulk upload are at the top of the page:


Employee Field

In the CSV the first column is called employee ID, this setting relates to what you enter in that column, For example if you have used the employee's names in the CSV the employee name option will need to be selected. 

CSV file to upload

This is where you will load your CSV when it is ready to upload. Press browse and select the CSV file.

Download help file and instructions

This option will download our bulk upload help file. This includes instructions on how to use each bulk upload and lets you know which columns are mandatory and which are optional, it's important to look at the relevant help file before performing a bulk upload so you can get it right the first time.

Download CSV Model

The second option downloads an example template for you to use for the bulk upload with all the headers needed for the bulk upload to be successful.


Editing your CSV

When you download your sample CSV file it will look like this:


This bulk upload has only a few columns:

Employee - This column will need to include a unique identifier for the employee that you're adding the expense payment for, the identifier will correlate with your choice on the Bulk Upload page. If you chose Employee name this just needs to match the employee's name on HRWize exactly, this is the same for System ID and Works ID. This column is mandatory.

Expense ID - This column correlates to the Expense Report ID in HRWize, not to be confused with the Expense Item ID which is used to identify each line of an expense claim. This column is mandatory.

Date - This column is used to identify the date that the expense claim was paid. This column is mandatory.

Reference - This column is simply a reference which can be used to more easily identify the payment record, it could be whatever you'd like for instance, the date the expense claim was created. This column is optional.

Comments - This column is also down to the user to decide on, it can be used if there is anything of note on the expense claim, for instance, if the claim is for $20.00 but the attached receipt shows $15.50 the comment might be "$15.50 paid as receipt states $15.50". This column is optional.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Lara

  2. Posted a year ago
