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Employee Work Status

HRWize allows your employees to update their working status. This status can be modified by the Employee and viewed in a number of places including on the homepage for Admin / HR users, the Employee card for Managers, and Directory for all other users. 

To activate Employee Work Statuses, you will need to first set the defaults in:

Administration > Company > Settings > Employee work statuses

and tick the Enable employee status updates field.


Additional statuses can then be added, enabled and restricted by Admin users only.


When the Employee logs in a small arrow will display which gives them the option to edit their status:


Here, they can choose their status and a timeframe to clear the status.

If an Employee is away on Time off, the option to update their status will be hidden and they will show as 'Out of office - until (return date)' as usual.



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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted a year ago
  3. Updated a year ago
