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Company Settings

The Company Settings contains many options for configuring the system as a whole. These options are only available to Administrator users and can be found in:

Administration > Company > Settings > Company settings

Depending on the modules enabled in your environment and the software version you are using, not all of these sections or settings might be presented in your environment.


  • HR mailbox - This setting allows you to enter an email address that will receive all HR related emails sent from the system. The HR mailbox can also be used as a recipient in the Workflow steps. The HR mailbox can also be defined on a per-site basis.
  • Employee self-service - blind copy HR mailbox - Selecting 'Yes' will result in all emails generated by the employee's self-service actions to be "blind-copied" to the HR mailbox, if one has been entered.
  • Notify managers of timeoff added by HR/Administrator or HR of timeoff added by managers - There are 4 options available here:
    • No - No to additional notifications to be sent
    • Yes, manager only - Managers will be notified if a timeoff record is added by an HR or Administrator user.
    • Yes, manager and approver - Managers and approves will be notified if a time off record is added by an HR or Administrator level user.
    • Yes, notify HR - HR will be notified if time off is added by managers.
  • Training mailbox - This setting allows you to enter an email address that will receive all training related emails sent from the system. The Training mailbox can also be used as a recipient within the Workflow steps. The Training mailbox can also be defined on a per-site basis.
  • Finance notification email - This setting allows you to enter an email address that will receive all finance-related emails sent from the system. The Finance mailbox can also be used as a recipient within the Workflow steps. The Finance mailbox can also be defined on a per-site basis.
  • Require tax authority self-service address update notification - If you local tax authorities require employees to notify them of a change of address. enter the web link of the form where your employees will need to notify the relevant authority.
  • Facilities mailbox - This setting will allow you to enter an email address for the Facilities mailbox. This is commonly used for an IT department, for example. The Facilities mailbox can also be used as a recipient within the Workflow steps and can be defined on a per-site basis.
  • Recruitment mailbox - When using workflows and send alerts to a shared to a Recruitment mailbox, you can set the applicable email in this field to be the recipient. You can also add this at site level is required.
  • Employee birthday notifications - Using this setting, you can choose to send managers an automated email the day before each of their employee birthday, show the birthday on the calendar or do both.
  • Employe stat date anniversary notifications - Using this setting, you can choose to send managers an automated email the day before the anniversary of their employee's start date, show the start date anniversary on the calendar, or do both.
  • Employee leave date notifications - Using this setting, you can choose to send managers an automated email the day before their employee's leave date, show the leave date anniversary on the calendar or do both.
  • Default timeoff approval reminders - This setting determines whether reminders are sent to managers/approvers for timeoff requests that are not yet approved.
  • Default timesheets approval reminders - This setting determines whether reminders are sent to managers/approvers for timesheets that are not yet approved.
  • Default probationary period reminders - This setting determines whether reminders are sent to managers for employees who are reaching the end of their probationary period.
  • Default warnings expiry reminders - This setting determines whether reminders are sent to managers for employee warnings that are about to expire.
  • Default mandatory document reminder - This setting determines which users receive reminders where an employee's mandatory document is expiring. There are 10 options:
    • Administrators only
    • HR only
    • Manager only
    • Administrators and HR only
    • Administrators and Manager only
    • HR and Manager only
    • Administrators, HR and Manager
    • Finance users only
    • Finance notification email only
    • Employee and manager - automated
  • Display To do list and Announcements on login - By default, the system will display the outstanding tasks and announcements to users when they login for the first time each day. You can customise this further using the options below.
    • Yes - First login only 
    • Yes - Every login 
    • No

Self Service

  • Self service changeable fields - These checkboxes allow you to choose which fields in the employee's record can be edited using the Self-Service. Tick the checkboxes of each field you want the employee to be able to update.
  • Employee change profile image - Selecting 'Yes' will allow an employee to update their own profile image using Self-Service.
  • Electronic signature notification text - This is the information or compliance text that will be displayed when an employee is electronically signing a document.


  • Employee self service training - This setting determines whether employees can request training via Self-Service. The options are:
    • No - Employees cannot request training
    • Yes - Library courses only - Employees can only request training from courses stored in the Training Course Library
    • Yes - Library and ad-hoc requests - Employees can request training from the Training Course Library as well as make ad-hoc requests for other training.
  • Employee self service training - update course outcome - This setting determines whether employees can update the outcome of their own training via Self-Service.
  • Training feedback form - You can select a form that can be used for Training Feedback. This dropdown will display forms of "Training feedback" type.
  • Training bulk approve - If this is set to 'Yes', managers can bulk approve training requests from the Training module.
  • Auto archive expired training - If this is set to 'Yes', all training with an expiry date will be automatically archived once the training expiry date has passed.

Performance Management

  • Performance management module - This setting determines whether the performance module uses the system default ("Standard") form or Custom forms built using Form Builder.
  • Reviews published -  This setting determines whether a custom review form needs to be published for the employee to complete a review, or if review forms are available to employees to be completed on an ad-hoc basis. The latter will be any forms of type "Performance Review" available to the employee.
  • Performance review split screen - When this is set to 'Yes' when adding a custom performance review, there will be a second column to the right of the screen which will include previous reviews, goals, 360 feedback and competencies for the chosen employee, making it easier to view previous and current performance information from various sources.
  • Performance review split screen - period - When viewing data in the split screen view, by default, we will show the last 12 entries of each type.  This option allows you to change which data is displayed - either the last x records or the last x months' worth of records.
  • Performance grid custom options - When using a custom 16 box grid, these fields allow you to determine the minimum and maximum value for the grid limits and to specify the colour breakpoints for Red, Amber and Green respectively.
  • Competencies rating scale - This setting determines a scale to use to determine the employee's progress towards a required competency. The available options are:
    • 1 to 3
    • 1 to 5
    • 1 to 7
    • 1 to 10
  • Performance goal system - There are two options for the use of performance goals. If you choose 'Standard', each goal update will then overwrite the previous entry. If you choose 'Incremental', you will be able to see each Incremental update and history of all previous updates.
  • Performance goals 'circle' - When this is set to 'Yes', a circular graphic will be displayed for each goal displaying the progress of that goal.

Asset Management

  • Asset signature declaration - You can set a declaration text that can be used when an employee signs an asset that has been assigned to them.
  • Request Assets - When this is set to 'Yes', you will have the ability to assign assets to an employee when adding them into the system. The information captured here can then be displayed in a workflow email.


  • Default currency - This setting determines the default currency to be used for financial records.  
  • Start of financial year - This setting determines the start of the financial year for the company.
  • Auto enrolment - This setting determines whether the fields for pension auto-enrolment are displayed in the employee file so that this information can be stored against the employee.
  • Benefits module - This setting ultimately determines how many benefits can be stored against an employee. In the "Simple" configuration, a set of standard benefits are displayed in the benefits page on the employee card against which values can be stored. In the "Custom" configuration, more complex custom benefits can be configured against which values can be stored.
  • Hide bank details - Setting this to 'Yes' results in the removal of bank details from HRWize. Once set, no bank details are available to any users.
  • Bank details text - This is the text displayed when adding or updating bank details.
  • Job grades determine salary/timeoff entitlement - When this is set to 'Yes', this will result in the employee's salary and timeoff entitlement being set according to their Job Grade. If you are not using Job Grades, this should be set to 'No'.

Google Calendar

  • Google calendar link - If you wish to include the content of a Google Calendar within HRWize's calendar, enter the calendar ID (not URL) here. Click here for more information on adding Google calendar to HRWize.

Probationary Period

  • Default probationary period length - This setting determines a default probationary period length to be used when adding a new employee to the system.
  • Auto populate probationary for new employee - This setting determines whether the employee's probationary period is automatically populated when adding an employee to the system.

Workflow Settings

  • Allow triggered workflows to be updated - If you choose 'Yes', HR and Admin level users can delete steps from an active workflow, change the due date and mark steps completed without having the step assigned to them.
  • Auto update workflows when trigger dates change - If you choose 'Yes', the system will automatically update the due dates of steps to be completed in a workflow where the trigger date is dependant on the start date, leave date, contract end date, probationary date, last working day or resignation date, and that date is changed in the employee's file.
  • Allow HR users to approve any request in a workflow - By default, only the assigned user or an admin can approve a request when linked to an employee - if you set this to 'Yes', HR level users will be able to approve any request linked to a workflow.

Org Chart Settings

  • Org chart default depth - This setting determines the number of levels displayed in the organisational chart by default, including the top level.
  • Org chart mouse zoom - When this is set to 'Yes', this allows the user to "zoom" on the organisational chart using the mouse wheel.
  • Org chart dotted line - EXPERIMENTAL - By default, the organisational chart shows the relationship between employees and their managers.  By setting this setting to 'Yes', the organisational chart will display dotted lines to denote relationships between the employee and their approver etc. Please Note - This is very dependant on your organisational structure so it may not work reliably in some companies.
  • External org chart URL - The built-in organisational chart can be replaced with a 3rd party chart if desired.  Enter the URL for the external chart here - the chart will be embedded with an iFrame and will replace the default organisational chart.  This URL must be a secure link and should be the whole URL of the chart, starting with https://

Mandatory Fields

This series of checkboxes determine which fields are deemed as mandatory and must be completed when adding or editing an employee's file.

Please NoteWe strongly recommend that you leave national insurance/social security, date of birth, start date, work email, job role, site, department and manager as mandatory fields - if you do not, you may experience unexpected behaviour such as employee leave allowances being incorrect as well as permissions and approvals/notification issues.

Document Management

  • Enable document meta search - When this is set to 'Yes', employees will be able to search their employee and company documents based on their filename, description and added metadata. Metadata is only available for company documents.
  • Full add - include documents - When this is set to 'Yes', when adding a new employee using the "Full add" function (as opposed to Quick Add) there will be an option to upload documents to the Employee file.
  • Full add - include photo - When this is set to 'Yes', when adding a new employee using the "Full add" function (as opposed to Quick Add) there will be an option to upload an employee profile photo.
  • Leaver - include document - When this is set to 'Yes', when making an employee a leaver there will be an option to upload a document against the employee file.
  • Document redirect URL - This option allows you to change the Documents link in the menu bar so that it points to an external document management system, instead of HRWize's own document features. The URL should be fully qualified (containing the prefix, eg https://).

General Settings

  • New employees require approval - This setting determines whether new employees require approval. There are 4 options available here:
    • No - New employees do not require approval.
    • Manager users only - New employees added by manager-level users require approval.
    • Managers and HR users - New employees added by manager-level users and HR level users require approval.
    • Managers, HR and admin users - New employees added by manager-level users, HR level users and Administrator-level users require approval. This is effectively all employees added to the system, regardless of the level of the user who added them.
  • Quick add popup buttons - When adding or changing an employee, there are "Add" buttons on the right of several dropdown fields, that allow the user to add an entry to that dropdown.  For example, in a dropdown list of Departments, if the department you want to choose for the employee is not present, you can use the "Add" button to quickly add a department to the list. This setting determines which users have access to this feature. There are 4 options available here:
    • Admin, HR and manager users 
    • Admin and HR users
    • Admin and manager users
    • Admin users only
  • Add options - There are two forms that can be used when adding an employee to the system.  The "Quick Add" form displays a limited set of fields on one page. The "Full Add" form displays all relevant fields for completion across multiple pages.  This setting determines which of these forms are available to use when adding an employee. There are 3 options available here:
    • Quick and full add
    • Quick add only
    • Full add only
  • Employees name display - EXPERIMENTAL - This setting determines how the employee's name is displayed in the system. This experimental feature does not yet affect all locations in the system where the employee's name is displayed. There are 3 options available here:
    • Firstname Surname - The employee's name is displayed in the standard format.
    • Known as Surname [fall back to First name Surname] - The employee's name is displayed with their "Known as" name in place of their First name where present. If not present, the employee's name is displayed in the standard format.
    • Known as Surname (Works ID) [fall back to First name Surname (Works ID)] - admin areas only - The employee's name is displayed with their "Known as" name in place of their First name where present, followed by their Works ID in brackets. If the user does not have a Known As name present, the employee's name is displayed in the standard format, followed by their Works ID in brackets. This setting only applies to the Admin areas of the system.
  • History display - When viewing employee histories, there are two options as to how this is recorded. In the Standard view, each entry represents a change. In the Derived view, the top (most recent) history entry represents the current status of the employee, and each item below represents what the record changed from at the point of change. 
  • Limit history records to 1 per day - If you select 'Yes', if there is more than one history record created for an employee on a single date, only the most recent record will be retained and all others will be deleted.
  • Auto generate works ID - This setting determines whether a Works ID is automatically generated when adding an employee. When this is set to 'Yes - pad with zeroes', the generated works ID is padded with zeroes until it reaches the required length.
  • Show custom fields on Quick add - This setting determines whether data can be entered into custom fields when using the "Quick Add" form to add an employee.
  • Restrict custom fields by site - If you set this to "'Yes', only the custom fields specified at the site level will be shown for employees at that site.
  • Site level localisation - If you set this to 'Yes' when adding a new employee, their localisation settings (language, timezone and date format etc.) will be determined by the settings for their site.
  • Form clone add new item - When using clone fields in a custom form, this setting determines where the new fields will be placed when clicking the 'Clone' button.  This can either before or after the current set of fields.
  • Auto create user account - If you choose 'Yes' when an employee is added using the "Full Add" or "Quick Add" forms, a disabled employee/manager account (depending on their job level) will automatically be created for them. This feature will use the employee's work email address for their username, if present, or a randomly generated username if no work email address is present.
  • Auto create user account - default status - If a user account is automatically created, this allows you to choose whether that account is enabled or disabled by default.
  • Auto update manager status from user account - If you choose 'Yes', when a user is given the manager user group and their job level is not already manager level, then the job role will be updated to the manager level automatically.
  • Restrict HR users from managing their own records - By default, an HR level user can administer their own records via the main modules - for example, they can add time off for themselves and bypass approval. If you do not want this to happen, set this to 'Yes' and HR users will not see themselves in any dropdown lists. As a result, they will be unable to manage their own time off records (for example) in an HR user context and will need to use Employee Self Service to make these requests, in the same way as an employee level user.
  • Auto re-assign employees when manager leaves - When a manager is made a leaver, there may well be employees reporting into that manager - setting this option to 'Yes' will mean that when the manager leaves all those reporting into them will be re-assigned to the manager's manager automatically. This will not create a history record.
  • Time off allowances dataset - summary only If you are using a summary type to record your time off, this allows you to report accurately on the number of days booked, taken and remaining against your summary type using the "Timeoff balances" data set in Report Builder. This effectively results in the result in a report builder matching what you see elsewhere in the system in respect of the balances. If you are not using a summary type, leave this set to 'No'.
  • Allow employees to submit on 'behalf of others' - This allows employees to submit items on behalf of another employee. Check the checkbox to allow this for the type of record. For example, to allow employees to submit expenses on behalf of another employee, check 'Expenses'.
  • Auto archive leaver data - When an employee is made a leaver, this allows you to archive all records of a given type relating to that employee. For example, to automatically archive Time off records when you make an employee a leaver, check the 'Timeoff' checkbox.  There are 5 options available here:
    • Time off
    • Training
    • Mileage
    • Expenses
    • Time tracking
  • Request assets - When this is set to 'Yes', this allows you to choose assets to assign to an employee when adding an employee.
  • Default form download label - When downloading form data as a CSV file, you can choose to have the column headings represent either the "Field database name" or the "Field display label". The former is used by the system to store the data in our database and can be useful if you ever need to re-upload the data back into the system.  The latter is the friendly name displayed on the form for each form field.
  • Custom form read only icon visibility - By default, when users are filling in custom forms, they will see icons indicating if a specific field is editable by them.  Setting this to 'Hidden' will not show these to employees - they would only show when you are building the form. This results in a cleaner view when the employee completes the form.
  • Custom form save options - By default, when filling in a form, the data in the form is not saved until you click the 'Submit' button. This option allows you to add a "Save" button to forms, as well as an option to autosave the form every 5 minutes. Please note, this is only supported on "Other" and "Performance Review" forms.  There are 4 options available here:
    • None - The submit button is used to save and submit the form.
    • Save button - A save button is added to the form to allow the user to save.
    • Auto save - The form is periodically saved automatically
    • Both - A save button is added and the form is also periodically saved automatically.
  • Logout URL - This is a URL to which users can be redirected after they log out of HRWize.  You might choose, for example, to redirect users to your company website or a suitable page on your intranet.  This should be entered in the form without the http:// prefix.
  • Newsletter opt out -  If you do NOT want to receive our newsletter or other promotional information from HRWize, please tick this box.
  • Logo - Click 'Browse' to locate a logo to be displayed in the top-left corner of the HRWize environment. The logo will display maximum size of 210px wide x 56px high (ratio 3.72:1) - we recommend you try to make your logo as close to this size and ratio as possible and use a transparent PNG or GIF, as logo's with a solid background will display the background colour. We also recommend you optimize your logo as images may need to be rescaled and images with a large weight will impact site load time. Please note that a logo can also be set in Branding Settings.
  • Email logo -  If you wish to use a different logo for emails (due to colour considerations for example) then you can upload this here - you do not need to upload this unless you wish the email logo to be different from the main logo. Click 'Browse' to locate a logo to be displayed in emails sent from HRWize to users. Please note that this logo can also be set in Branding Settings.
  • Circular logo - If uploaded, this logo will be used anywhere the logo would be more suited to a circular shape such as the top-right menu, social stream etc. If no circular logo is provided then we will try to fit your main logo to these sections. Click 'Browse' to locate a logo to be displayed in these areas. Please note that this logo can also be set in Branding Settings.
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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 5 years ago
  3. Updated a year ago
