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Site-Level Timeoff Settings

Site-level time off settings is commonly used by businesses that have offices based across numerous different countries. Using site level time off settings will allow you to set rules for time off which will only affect employees who are assigned to this particular site. 

These settings are especially useful if you have, for example, an office in the UK and an office in the US and you need to apply different time off settings. 

You can apply site level time off settings by going to:

Administration > HR > Data Management > Sites

You can either add a site or edit an existing one.  At the bottom of the site information fields, you will notice a checkbox entitled "Site level timeoff settings". Selecting this will open a new section of fields that will allow you to input these settings:

The settings which are available are as follows: 

  • Holiday Year - Select whether your holiday year starts from your employment start date or a set date in the year. If Set date is selected, a date picker field will appear;
  • Carryover days - Select the maximum number of carryover days which employees on this site are entitled to;
  • Carryover expiry (weeks) - Select the number of weeks after which, carryover values will expire;
  • Time off allowances accrual - If Yes is selected, an employee who starts mid-year will have their annual time off allowance accrued based on the remaining length of the holiday year. 
  • Accrue timeoff in lieu - If you are using timesheets, select Yes to automatically accrue excess time worked as bookable time off in lieu;
  • Company holidays mandatory - If Yes is selected, this will enable mandatory holidays to be automatically deducted from the time off allowance. 
  • Round up time off balances - Select Yes to round up time off balances to the nearest whole number or unit.
  • Return to work form - If your site requires a return to work form, you can either select a system default form to use or select a form that you have created using our Form Builder;
  • Working days - Select the default working days for employees assigned for this particular site (can be overwritten on the employee card);
  • Standard working day in hours - Input the standard working day in hours for your employees assigned for this particular site (can be overwritten on the employee card);
  • Work week begins on - Select the day on which your working week begins for employees assigned to this particular site;
  • Variable hours percentage allowance - If any of the employees assigned to this site work variable hours (zero hours contracts) this percentage determines the allocation of time off per hour which is worked.

Custom fields by site

If you are using custom employee fields in your site level time off settings, you have the ability to allocate custom fields to sites ensuring that these fields will only appear those based at this specific location.

Localisation Settings

If you set a default language, date format or timezone to your sites you have the option to automatically apply these settings to all users who are located at this site. 

For this to take effect, you will need to go to:

Administration > Company > Settings > Company settings

 Then, you will need to set "Site level localisation" to Yes.

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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 7 years ago
  3. Updated 3 years ago
