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Managers Calendar Configuration Guide

Previously, managers have only been able to see their diret reports within the Homepage Calendar.

Currently, a new setting has been added to enable an amended calendar view specifically for Managers. Once enabled, Managers will be able to toggle between "My team" and "All Employees".


What Managers view when changing to the "All employees" option will be dictated by the below configuration rules. This setting can be found within:

Administration > Company > Settings > Display settings

Under the Manager views section > "Enable manager calendar toggle":

"Enable manager calendar toggle" will only display if the Calendar status is set to Public.

"Enable manager calendar toggle" will default to Yes.

This is a global setting so will apply to all Managers.

Manager toggle disabled

"Enable manager calendar toggle" = No.

  • The "My team/All employees" toggle will not be visible to Manager users on the homepage calendar.
  • Manager will only see their team when viewing the calendar.

Manager toggle enabled

"Enable manager calendar toggle" = Yes.

  • The "My team/All employees" toggle will be visible to Manager users on the homepage calendar.
  • The toggle will default to "My team".
  • Managers can then alternate between "My team" and "All employees" to see different views on the calendar.

When "My Team" is selected

Only Calendar entries relating to the logged in user's team will display.

"My team" is determined by the "Managers view whole reporting line" field (see Administration > Company > Display Settings > Manager views).

  • If this is set to Direct reports only, the manager will only see their direct reports when selecting "My team" on the toggle.
  • If this is set to Whole organization, the manager will see their entire reporting line when selecting "My team" on the toggle.

Please Note - The following fields will also impact what is actually displayed.

Display settings -> Managers view whole reporting line (Direct reports only / Entire downline)

Localisation settings -> Organizational depth (My direct reports only / My entire downline)

Localisation settings -> Workflow and calendar depth (My direct reports only / My entire downline)

When "All employees" is selected

The public calendar is displayed.

Please Note - The following fields will also impact what is actually displayed.

Display settings -> Public calendar permissions override (Department, Site, Manager, User can choose)

Display settings -> Public calendars include Manager on Manager view.

Localisation settings -> Public Calendar Display (Department, Site, Manager, No selection)

Localisation settings -> Organizational depth (My direct reports only / My entire downline)

Localisation settings -> Workflow and calendar depth (My direct reports only / My entire downline)

When viewing All Employees:

Choose files or drag and drop files
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