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Cost Centres

Costs centres are another method of defining where an employee works within the company. They are not a mandatory requirement in HRWize in the same way as Department or Site, but rather an additional feature that can help the company to locate its employees.

How to set up Cost Centres?

First, you will need to create a list of your existing cost centres. This can be accessed through:

Administration > HR > Data Management > Cost Centres

This page will be accessible to Administrators and HR level users.

Click the Add button to create your list of cost centres. There is only one field to complete in this form, which is the name of the cost centre.

Click the Edit (Pencil) icon to edit the name of an existing cost centre.

Click the X (Delete) icon to delete an existing cost centre. You should note that you can delete a cost centre if there are no employees assigned to it.

You can also archive cost centres if they are no longer required by clicking the checkbox next to the cost centre by choosing Archive from the Bulk Actions dropdown. Click the Archives cost centres button at the bottom of the table to view a list of archived cost centres.

Assigning employees to Cost Centres

You can assign an employee to a cost centre by going to:

People > Employees

Click on the Change icon on an employee file.

From here, you will be able to select the appropriate cost centres from the drop-down list. If the option you are looking for doesn't appear in the list, you can use the Add button alongside the field to add in your missing option, depending on the setup of your environment.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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