- Wizest version only -
Total reward statements can be used as a method of showing the employees their total remuneration as opposed to solely their salary or the amount which they receive on their payslips.
How to set up Total rewards?
First, you will need to enable the total reward module in the system. You will need to go to:
Administration > Company > Settings > Display Settings
Under the Module Display section, select the check-box labeled "Total Reward" and select 'Submit' at the bottom of the page.
Once the module has been enabled, you will need to go to:
Administration > HR > Total reward
Here you can configure the content of the statement itself such as the written descriptions and formatting.
What do the numbers represent?
The figures for both Salary and benefits will need to be entered within the Benefits icon on the employee's file; this needs to be entered manually on an individual basis.
If you are using simple benefits (default), the value of the benefit will be based on the total of all numeric values within benefits. If you have entered anything other than a number, it will be ignored and values such as 10% will also not be included.
If you are using custom benefits, these will be included based on the actual value as derived from their relevant setting.
If you have entered the employee pay as anything other than per annum, the system will convert this to an annual value. For example, if employee pay is entered at $400 per week it will show as $20,800 per annum on the statement and so on.
This information will then be automatically pulled-through into the total reward statements.
How to access Total reward statements?
Employees will need to log in via their self-service accounts in order to access their own total reward statements.
They will need to go to:
Self-Service > My personal details > My total rewards
On this page, there will be an online version of their total reward statement which is available for download.
To download a copy of this statement, the employee should scroll to the bottom of the page and select the option to Download which will then save the statement as a PDF.
Resetting the Total rewards values
By using the "Reset total rewards value" button, this process calculates the benefits value used in Reporting, in the Total rewards screen, and the Dashboard - this will update the values in the back-end that the report uses to calculate the salary cost. Please note that this will not delete nor affect the employee's file or any field in HRWize:
To do so, you must go to this link: