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Difference Between Using an Employee Bulk-Upload vs. Update Employees Bulk Upload

If you go to:

Administration > Company > Bulk Upload

Under Bulk Upload, there are 2 bulk uploads under the "Employees" section concerning employees. One is called Employees, while the other one is called Update Employees.

Here is a brief explanation of the difference between Employees and Update Employees, and some guidelines to keep in mind when doing this action:


This is used when adding an employee for the first time. No trace of them can exist in the system.

  • This is difficult to use since the formatting is exceptionally important;
  • If you plan on using this bulk template, there is a document that outlines which fields are mandatory and some of the formatting intricacies. If you click on "Download help file and instructions", you will see every field with its description, validation, case sensitive or mandatory or not;
  • This bulk upload will be rejected entirely IF there is anything wrong with the format. For example, if you misspelled a Manager's Name in the Manager field, the entire thing is rejected;
  • This often takes multiple tries, however, it tells you what's wrong with it;
  • The information collected and inserted into the system is not the same as inserting as "Full Add". Instead, this enters the same level of detail as Quick Add.

Update employees

Used when the employee already exists in the system.

  • Nothing is mandatory;
  • There are certain things you cannot bulk update using the format. For example, you cannot change an employee's name or SIN number;
  • The "Create history record for changes" field gives you the option to create a historical record; the system will remember what used to be in the fields you're about to update. You can also choose not to, as it will just replace what was there before;
  • This bulk will accept what is formatted correctly but reject what is NOT formatted correctly. For example, if you accidentally format dates as MM/DD/YYYY instead of DD/MM/YYYY, then the system will accept all the dates it assumes are DD/MM/YYYY and reject the rest (December 4 turn into April 12 and be accepted, but December 28 will be rejected entirely.
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