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Bulk Upload - Employee Notes

The below article is relating to the Bulk Upload - Employee Notes which can be found by going to Administration -> Company -> Bulk Upload.

The Employee Notes Bulk Upload can be found within the Other Data section:


When you load the page the most important parts relating to bulk upload are at the top of the page:


This page includes:

Employee Field

In the CSV the first column is called employee ID, this setting relates to what you enter in that column, For example if you have used the employee's names in the CSV the employee name option will need to be selected. 

Include archived employees in search?

When using the name or Works ID method, sometimes you may have multiple instances of the same employee with one active and one archived - if you set this to NO we will not search archived employees when matching and will only search your active employees. If you had 2 active employees of the same name, for example, this setting would make no difference.

CSV file to upload

This is where you will load your CSV when it is ready to upload. Press browse and select the CSV file.

Download help file and instructions

This option will download our bulk upload help file. This includes instructions on how to use each bulk upload and lets you know which columns are mandatory and which are optional, it's important to look at the relevant help file before performing a bulk upload so you can get it right the first time.

Download CSV Model

The second option downloads an example template for you to use for the bulk upload with all the headers needed for the bulk upload to be successful.


Editing your CSV:

When you download your sample CSV file it will look like this:


Employee ID - This field relates to your chosen Employee field on the bulk upload page, if you have chosen employee name this will be the employee's first and last name exactly as they are on HRWize, if this is either the system or Works ID, this will be either of those IDs exactly as they are in HRWize too. This field is Mandatory and Case Sensitive.

Note Title - The title you'd like this note to be known by, this should relate to the subject of the note itself. This field can contain numbers and/or letters. This field is Mandatory.

Note Content - The note itself, this field is open text and has no validation, anything can be entered into it. This field is Mandatory.

Date - The date the Note was added. This must be entered in dd/mm/yyyy format regardless of your localisation settings. This field is Mandatory.

Private - Is this note visible to the employee's manager? Acceptable values are:

0 = The note is visible to the manager.

1 = The note is hidden from the manager.

This field is Mandatory.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Lara

  2. Posted a year ago
  3. Updated 7 months ago
