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Attrition Rate Calculations

On the default HRWize "Dashboard" view, there is a tile that displayed the attrition rate for your company:

There are 2 options for how this attrition rate is calculated. You can choose between these options in:

Administration > Company > Settings > Dashboard settings

If you have the option "Dashboard view" is set to 'Extended', there is an additional option that will appear called "Attrition calculation":

The available options are:

  • Original - This is the system's default attrition calculation method that takes the number of leavers and starters over a 12 month period with the numbers of employees as of today, then uses the following calculation:
    • (leavers) x 100/(employees+starters) = Attrition Rate
    • For example, if a company has 100 employees today and in the last 12 months had 10 leavers and 15 starters, the calculation would be: (10x100/100+15)) = 8.69%
  • Revised - This is a new alternate calculation method that takes the number of leavers in 12 months, then divides by the average employees of the headcount in the last 12 months ago and today. The calculation used is:
    • leavers / ((employees 12 months ago+employees today)/2) = Attrition Rate
    • For example, a company had 95 employees 12 months ago, 100 employees today, and 10 leavers in the last months, the calculation will be set as: 10/((95+100)/2) = 10.25%
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