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Skip Duplicate Data in Job Bulk Uploads

A new function available when completing bulk uploads is the Skip option.

 This is only available for the following upload categories:

  • Job Roles
  • Job Status
  • Job Grades

If you use the Skip option:

  • This is the default option set on the bulk upload page;
  • For example, if the CSV file has a role named "Account Manager" and the system already has a role named "Account Manager", the system will skip this, as this will not be uploaded as this already exists.

If you use the Update option:

  • This is if you wish to update existing job roles, job status or job grades.
  • If the system finds more than one of the job role name, the upload will fail as the system will not know which job it is referring to.
  • The update process will only update completed fields so if you only wanted to update salary for an existing job role, you would only need to enter the job title in column 1 so the system can match and update this to the relevant role. Any fields left blank will get skipped and not updated/overwritten.
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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 5 years ago
  3. Updated 3 years ago
