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HRWize Patch Notes Version 22.3.8


Employee: Custom fields displaying incorrect value in Edit view when data has been bulk uploaded and contains the "&" symbol. Issue resolved which causing custom fields to display the incorrect value in Edit view. This issue only occurred for data which had been bulk uploaded and where the option which had been uploaded included the "&" symbol.

Employee: "New Job Grade" does not update after changes. Issue resolved which was preventing new Job Grades from being displayed on system notifications, instead displaying the previous job grade.

Employee: Error message displays when trying to add a Leaver without a last working day. Issue resolved which was causing an error message to display when a leaver was added without a last working day. Leaver changes now save correctly an where a workflow fails to trigger for any reason, a warning message will be displayed to highlight this and direct you to the Audit log for more information.

Employee: Hours per week field displaying incorrect value for daily metered employees. Issue resolved which was causing an incorrect value to be displayed within the Hours per week field on the employee card. This issue occurred in some instances where the employee had changed from Hourly to Daily metered.

Reports: Reports using the Requisitions data source pull through Sub-Department instead of Department. Issue resolved which was resulting in Sub-department being displayed within the Department column when using the Requisitions data source. You'll now find a new Sub-department field available within the Requisition data source allowing you to report of both Department and Sub-department.

Reports: Reporting does not respect Organizational Depth settings when reporting on Leavers. Issue resolved which resulted in Managers being unable to see Leavers in their downline when running reported which had been shared with them.

Time tracking: Option to bulk approve missing when "Require approval?" is set to "Yes-records wih exceptions only". Issue resolved which was preventing the Bulk approve action from displaying on the Time and Attendance > Time tracking page when Require approval was set to 'Yes - records with exeptions only'. The Bulk approve action will now display.

Timesheets: Employee name not displaying when viewing/exporting Timesheets. Issue resolved which was preventing the employee name from displaying when viewing or exporting timesheets via Time an Attendance > Timesheets, instead only displaying the timesheet ID.

Expenses: Duplicate text displaying in expenses approval emails sent to 2nd approver. Issue resolved which was causing duplicate text to display in emails sent to the 2nd approuver when using the default expenses approval process.

Performance: Incorrect text displayed in Goals when French translation is in use. Issue resolved which resulting in incorrect text being displayed in some goal fields when using French translations.

Succession: Section score displaying with no value. Issue resolved which was causing the Section score within Job roles > Succession to display no value even when section scores exist.

Succession: Sub-department metric displays a "No" in the match column even when it is a match. Issue resolved which resulting in the Sub-department metric within Job roles > Succession displaying a No within the Match column regardless of if it was a match or not.

Bulk upload: Date assigned field not populated when using the Competencies bulk upload. Issue resolved which was resulting in the Date assigned field displaying no value when competencies were added using a bulk upload.

Bulk upload: Competencies bulk upload fails when employee name contains more than 2 words. Issue resolved which caused the competencies bulk upload to fail for employees with more than 2 words in their name e.g. James Simon Smith.

Bulk upload: Custom form data bulk upload produces error when it includes the "&" symbol. Issue resolved which was causing an error to be generated for custom form data bulk uploads where the "&" symbol was included in the CSV upload file.

Forms: Amending the "field display label" for the field type 'Electronic signature' removes signatures. Issue resolved which was causing signatures to no longer display in existing form submissions where the field display label had been amended for the Electronic signature field type.

Forms: Form category remains on Forms after the form type has been changed. Issue resolved which was causing forms which had been changed to a different 'Type' (e.g., Other forms > Performance review) to continue to display a category. Now when the form type is changed, the category will be removed ensuring categories are not incorrectly assigned.

Workflow: [current_manager_job_title] workflow tag pulls through the Managers Manager Job Title. Issue resolved which was causing the Managers Manager job title to display when using [current_manager_job_title] workflow tag, instead of displaying the job title of the employees current Manager.

Triggers: Upper and Lower values being treated as mandatory fields. Issue resolved which resulting in the Upper and Lower metric values being treated as mandatory fields when creating triggers within Data Management > Triggers.

New UI: Convert all button obscured on Time off meter convert page. Issue resolved which causing the Convert all button to be obscured when navigating to the Time off meter convert page with the left hand navigation menu expanded.

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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 2 years ago
  3. Updated 7 days ago
