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HRWize Patch Notes Version 22.5.3


Annoucements: Announcements requiring acknowledgement appear before Go Live date. Issue resolved where announcements which were set to "Require Acknowledgement" and had a Go Live date in the future would appear for acknowledgement before the Go Live date.

Documents: Employee names duplicated for Documents Requiring Signature. Issue resolved where an employee's name could appear twice on the View Signatures page, for documents requiring a signature, if that employee is assigned to a sub-department.

Employees : Changing an employee’s Head of Department to “None” showed the HoD as “Main admin account”. Issue resolved where, if an employee’s Head of Department was changed to “None” and a pending change record was created (because it was a future-dated change or subject to approval) then the Head of Department name showed as “Main admin account” in the Pending Change record.

Social : “Social Chat” setting not correctly applied for some users. Issue resolved where setting the “Social Chat” option in Social Settings to “Disabled” did not effectively disable the Social Chat feature.

Time Off : Users unable to edit the duration of a Time Off request in specific circumstances. Issue resolved where, if the “Allowance Accrual” setting was set to “Yes – whole completed calendar months”, then users were incorrectly prevented from submitting a Time Off request where they had edited the duration of that request.

Time Off : Email notifications not sent to Employee’s Approver when a Time Off request is modified. Issue resolved where the email notification to inform when an existing Time Off request was modified was not being sent to the Employee’s Approver. This occurred for customers using the default approval process for Timeoff.

Time Off : Email notifications not sent to Employees to complete Self Certification forms. Issue resolved where the email notifications to prompt an Employee to complete a Self Certification form were not being sent. A “To Do” notice was still generated for the Employee.

Time Off : Time Off Map showing incorrect period for some days. Issue resolved where the Time Off Map would incorrectly show all of the days in a Time Off request as a half day, for Time Off requests where the first or last day was a half day.

Time Off : Multiple issues caused by Time Off type names containing an Apostrophe character. Issues resolved where a Time Off type name contained an Apostrophe character and a Time Off request of that type was Edited. This caused issues with allowances of that type, Return to Work and Self Certification forms, and the data displayed in Report Builder.

Time Off: Trade types not bookable by Employees in Self Service. Issue resolved where Employees using Self Service to request Time Off were unable to choose the Time Off type used for Trades and therefore unable to make use of their Trade allowance. This did not affect customers whose Trade type was included in a Summary type.

Time Off : Custom Return to Work forms not loading for Archived Time Off requests. Issue resolved where if a custom Return to Work form had been completed for a Time Off request, and that request was subsequently Archived, the associated Return to Work form was not accessible.

Time Off : Employee status shown incorrectly when the employee has separate Time Off requests for AM / PM. Issues resolved where an employee’s In Office status was incorrectly shown when they had separate requests for Time Off in the AM and PM of the same day.

User Interface : Archived employees incorrectly shown in Head of Department dropdown. Issue resolved where Archived employees were incorrectly shown in the Head of Department dropdown when editing a Department.

User Interface : Manager users unable to “Add” or “Quick Add” employees in Table View. Issue resolved where the buttons to “Add” and “Quick Add” Employees did not appear for Manager users when using the Table view of the Employee module.

User Interface : Display of employee profile photos and placeholders in the Directory. Issues resolved where employee profile images and placeholders were not displayed in a consistent aspect ratio in the Employee Directory.

Workflows : “Implication of No” conditions not respected in workflows with multi-page forms. Issue resolved where the “Implication of No” condition in a workflow step was not correctly applied when a form with multiple pages was included in the workflow.

Recruitment : Completing a candidate at a Site linked to a Region does not populate the Region. Issue resolved where, in an environment where the Site and Region fields are linked, completing a Candidate in a Site did not automatically populate the linked Region.

Recruitment : Issue with scrolling the Search Filters on the Recruitment Portal. Issue resolved where, in an environment with the Filter options enabled for the Recruitment Portal, when a prospective candidate tried to scroll through the options in a drop-down the cursor would “jump” and make it difficult to see all of the options.

Reporting : Time Off types containing an Ampersand character do not appear in Filtered reports. Issue resolved where Time Off requests of types where the name contains an Ampersand character do not appear in a Report which is filtered by “Reason” for that type.

Reporting : “Date – Week” field returning incorrect week number. Issue resolved where the “Date – Week” field did not show the correct week number in Reports run by any user group other than Administrators.

Time Off : Issues caused by Time Off type names including two consecutive colon characters (::). Issue resolved where, if a user created a Time Off type containing :: and a Time Off request of that type was edited, the request became disassociated with the Time Off type. This in turn caused issues around allowances and Reporting.

User Interface : Some users unable to switch to the Table view of the Employee module. Issue resolved where if a company chose the default employee module view as “Table” and a user chose their default view as “Card”, that user would then be unable to switch to the Table view using the buttons in the Employee module.

Dashboard : Incorrect value displayed for dashboard tiles, when filtered by Department that has Sub-Departments. Issue resolved where if a user filtered the home page dashboard by Department, choosing a Department that had Sub Departments, the values displayed in the dashboard would be incorrect.

Workflows : “Send existing form” workflow steps fail if the first workflow step is not “Send new form”. Issue resolved where a user would be unable to access a form sent through a “Send existing form” workflow step, if the “Send new form” step that created the form was not the first step in the workflow.

Reporting : Starting Balance (YTD) and Balance (YTD) fields not showing correctly for mid-year starters. Issue resolved where the values in the Starting Balance (YTD) and Balance (YTD)fields in Report Builder did not show the correct values for employees who started mid-year.

Self Service : Incorrect job title displayed on the “My Team” page after an API update. Issue resolved where, following a change toa Job Title in the API, the Job Title of a colleague on the Self Service “My Team” page could be displayed incorrectly.

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  2. Posted a year ago
  3. Updated 7 days ago
