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HRWize Patch Notes Version 22.5.5

New features

Ability to filter Jobs by Company on the Recruitment Portal

When creating a Recruitment Portal in HRWize, it is possible to specify that the Portal displays only roles from a given site.

It is also possible for a potential candidate viewing the portal to filter the Jobs displayed to display only roles with a given Job Title, Department, or Location.

We have added Company as an option in both of these places, thus, you can choose to display only roles from selected Companies on your Recruitment Portal. Additionally, a candidate can also choose to filter the roles shown on the portal for those with a given company.

The ability for candidates to filter the roles displayed on the portal exists only when using the "New" version portal template.


Documents: Manually drawn Document Signatures are not displayed when viewing the signed document. Issue resolved where, if an employee manually draws their signature (rather than typing their name) when signing a document, that drawn signature is not displayed when viewing the signed document.

Employees: Employees with an open-ended Time Off Request in the future are incorrectly shown as Out of Office. Issue resolved where, if an employee has a Time Off request that is both in the future and open-ended, their status incorrectly shows as Out of Office before the start date of the Time Off request.

Employees: New Job Grade displayed incorrectly in Job Change Approval workflows following a change in Grade. Issue resolved where, following a change made to the employee's Job Grade using the Benefits page, the employee's new Job Grade would show incorrectly in a notice received in a Job Change Approval Workflow.

Employees: Unable to add an employee to a Department which has no Sub Departments. Issue resolved where, in an environment where the Sub-Department field is mandatory, users would be unable to add an Employee if they chose a Department which ahs no Sub Departments.

Pages: HTML code added to embed an iFrame in code view is lost when returning to composer view. Issue resolved where, if a user building a pages uses code view to add an iFrame and subsequently returns to the visual composer view, the HTML code for the iFrame was not retained.

Performance: Performance Review Forms not respecting Job Role restrictions. Issue resolved where a Performance Review Form that was restricted by Job Role was accessible by employees who did not have one of the specified Job Roles.

Reporting: Time Off types containing an Ampersand character do not appear in Filtered reports. Issue resolved where Time Off requests of types where the name contains an Ampersand character do not appear in a Report which is filtered by "Reason" for the type.

Reporting: Signatures not displayed in Reports based on Custom Form Datasets. Issue resolved where Signature form fields were not available for inclusion when building a report based on a Custom Form Dataset.

Tickets: Unread message badge not displayed when a ticket is replied to by an Admin or HR user. Issue resolved where the requester on a HR ticket did not see an unread message badge on the Tickets icon, if that ticket had last been replied to by an Admin or HR user. The requester was still notified of the reply by email.

Time Off: Return to Work emails sent by the default process are not respecting Site Level mailbox settings. Issue resolved where Return to Work emails did not respect any mailbox settings applied to the employee's site and, as a results, were always copied to the global HR mailbox email address defined in Company Settings.

User Interface: Employee photo appears stretched or compressed when using the Profile icon. Issue resolved where the Employee photo could appear stretched or compressed when used in the Profile icon in the top-right of the interface.

Workflows: Forms sent in a Recruitment Approval workflow not accessible using the To Do notice. Issue resolved where if a form was sent in a Recruitment Approval workflow, the link generated in the To Do notice was incorrect and, as a result, the user could not access the form by clicking the link. The user could still access the form by clicking the link in the email received.

Workflows: Admin users can only edit the Approver 2 comments field when approving Expenses. Issue resolved where an Administrator user approving an Expense claim in the default approval process was unable to complete the Approver 1 comments field, even if they were the first approver for the request. The Approver 2 comments field was available for editing instead.

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  2. Posted a year ago
  3. Updated 7 days ago
