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HRWize Patch Notes Version 22.6.9


Documents: Unable to draw signatures on touchscreen devices. Issue resolved where users of some touchscreen devices were unable to sign Documents or Forms by drawing a signature on the screen.

Documents: Admin users incorrectly receive Signature ‘To Do’ notices to Sign Documents. Issue resolved where, in some scenarios where Documents were stored in Document Categories with restrictions, Admin users were incorrectly shown Signature ‘To Do’ notices to prompt them to sign documents contrary to those restrictions.

Employees: Issues with accented characters in Employee Custom Fields on the Employee Change Page. Issue resolved where if a Custom Field drop-down had values containing accented characters, and one of those values was selected, then it was not displayed as selected on the Employee Change page.

Expenses: Administrator users able to add Expenses on behalf of all Employees in error. Issue resolved where an Administrator user who was permitted to raise Expense claims ‘On Behalf Of’ one or more Employees were able to raise Expense claims for all Employees.

Expenses: Administrator users unable to Approve Expense claims in some scenarios. Issue resolved where, in an environment using the default Expense Approval process and where the secondary approver is set to ‘Any Finance’, Administrator users were unable to approve an Expenses claim in place of the Finance user.

Performance: Managers unable to view Archived Goals if no Active Goals are present. Issue resolved where a manager is unable to the Archived Goals for an Employee if there are no Active Goals for that Employee.

Recruitment: Navigating between pages in the Recruitment Portal removes any applied Search terms. Issue resolved where if a Candidate using the Recruitment Portal navigates between pages, any Search term they had entered in the Search field is lost.

Recruitment: Unable to navigate past page 9 of the Recruitment Portal. Issue resolved where if a Candidate is navigating through a Recruitment Portal with greater than 9 pages, clicking on pages past page 9 would not load a new page of results.

Reporting: Error when Viewing or Editing Cloned Pivot Table Reports. Issue resolved where if a user Cloned a Pivot Table Report and subsequently attempted to View or Edit that Cloned Report, an error was displayed.

Reporting: Error message displayed when viewing a report with a comparison filter. Issue resolved where if a Report was built containing a Filter that compared the values of two fields, an error message was displayed when that Report was viewed.

Time Off: Employees unable to Request Time Off where the Time Off Type name contained & or “.  Issue resolved where if an environment had a Time Off Type with a name containing an Ampersand (&) or Double Quote (“) character and an Employee Requested Time Off of that type, an error message was displayed and the Request was not successful.

Workflows: Task (Recruitment) workflows incorrectly available in ‘Trigger workflow on submission’. Issue resolved where workflows of type Task (Recruitment) were incorrectly available for selection in the ‘Trigger workflow on submission’ field when creating or editing a Form in Form Builder.

Workflows: Workflow Comments incorrectly displayed when using ‘Yes/No’ steps in Workflows. Issues resolved where, in a Workflow where a user leaves a Comment on a ‘Yes/No’ workflow step and selects ‘No’, and the workflow moves to a previous step, the workflow comments left were incorrectly attributed to the recipient of that previous step.

Workflows: Send New Form steps becoming due prematurely in Workflows. Issue resolved where, in a Workflow containing a Send New Form step, if that step is set to trigger either following another step “On Last Action” or at a later date, those steps became due prematurely at the point the Workflow was triggered.

Workflows: Email notifications not sent for ‘Yes/No’ workflow steps in specific circumstances. Issue resolved where the email notification for a ‘Yes/No’ workflow step was not sent to the recipient, where the step is set to trigger at a future date, and a custom SMTP server is used in the customer environment.

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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 8 months ago
  3. Updated 2 days ago
