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Form Builder - Field Types

When building any of the different types of forms within HRWize, there are 61 different types of fields that can be used in the form. These form field types can help you build complex forms with professional layouts and features. They are divided into 10 different categories. 

Common Fields

There are common field types that are used in many types of forms.

  1. Date Field - A field that allows the user to either enter or select a date using a date picker.
  2. Electronic signature - A field that allows the user to electronically "sign" the form by typing their name to generate a signature image, or by drawing a signature using a mouse, trackpad, touchscreen, or other pointing devices where available.
  3. Email address - A field that allows the user to enter an email address. This is validated to ensure that it is in a valid format for an email address, but not that the address itself is valid.
  4. File upload – A field that will allow attachments to be uploaded and attached to the form.
  5. Number - A field that allows the user to enter a number. This is validated to ensure that only numbers can be entered.
  6. Text area - multiple line - A multiple-line text box, allowing the user to enter long-form text.
  7. Text box - single line - A single-line text box, allowing the user to enter short-form text.

Custom Value Fields

These fields allow the user to choose from a list of pre-determined custom values when completing a form. In each case, the values the user can choose from are determined by entering a comma-separated list in the "Values" field in the Form builder.

  1. Checkboxes - Each item in the "values" field produces a checkbox. The checkboxes are displayed in a continuous horizontal line, wrapping at the edge of the screen. The user can check multiple checkboxes when completing a form.
  2. Checkboxes - one per line - Same as above, except each checkbox appears on its own line.
  3. Radio boxes - Each item in the "values" field produces a radio button. The radio buttons are displayed in a continuous horizontal line, wrapping at the edge of the screen. The user can choose just one from the list of available radio buttons.
  4. Radio boxes - one per line - Same as above, except each radio button appears on its own line.
  5. Select dropdown - A dropdown list populated with the values from the "values" list. The user can choose one item from the dropdown.
  6. Multi select dropdown - A multiple-select dropdown populated with the values from the "values" list. The user can choose multiple items from the dropdown.

Pre-Built Fields

These fields offer some common options with the "values" already defined.

  1. 1 to 5 - A dropdown list pre-populated with numbers 1 to 5.
  2. 1 to 10 - A dropdown list pre-populated with numbers 1 to 10.
  3. Score 1 to 10 - A dropdown list populated with numbers 1 to 10, used specifically for scoring purposes.
  4. Score 1 to 5 - A dropdown list populated with numbers 1 to 5 used specifically for scoring purposes.
  5. Happiness scale – A graphical scale including three "faces" where the user can click to indicate their level of "happiness" on a scale of 1 to 5.
  6. Yes and No - A dropdown list pre-populated with Yes and No.
  7. Not Given, Yes and No - A dropdown list pre-populated with the values Not Given, Yes, and No.

Assigned Employee

This section contains just one field type that should be used on all forms of type "Other" or "Performance Review" to ensure that the form is correctly associated with the employee to whom it refers.

  1. Assigned employee (use once per form) -This is a dropdown field containing a list of employees in your environment. This field must be used in "Other" or "Performance Review" forms to assign a form to a specific employee. This field should be used only once per form and is often (but not necessarily) used as the first field on each form.


These field types produce dropdown boxes containing data from your HRWize environment.

  1. Other employees list - A dropdown list of all of your current, active employees. This differs from the Assigned employee field above as it does not assign the form to an employee - it simply allows you to select an employee name.
  2. Managers list - A dropdown list of all of your current, active managers. To appear in this list, the manager must have both a manager-level user account and a manager level job role.
  3. Job roles list - A dropdown list of all the Job Roles in your environment, populated from the list in Administration > HR > Data Management > Job Roles.
  4. Job status list - A dropdown list of all of the Job Statuses in your environment, populated from the list in Administration > HR > Data Management > Job Status.
  5. Employee status list - A dropdown list of all of the Employee Statuses in your environment, populated from the list in Administration > HR > Data Management > Employee Status.
  6. Headcount classifications list - A dropdown list of all of your Headcount Classifications in your environment, populated from the list in Administration > HR > Data Management > Headcount Classifications.
  7. Departments list - A dropdown list of all of the Departments in your environment, populated from the list in Administration > HR > Data Departments.
  8. Divisions list - A dropdown list of all of the Divisions in your environment, populated from the list in Administration > HR > Data Management > Divisions.
  9. Companies list - A dropdown list of all of the Companies in your environment, populated from the list in Administration > HR > Data Management > Companies.
  10. Sites list - A dropdown list of all Sites in your environment, populated from the list in Administration > Data Management > Sites.
  11. Regions list - A dropdown list of all Regions in your environment, populated from the list in Administration > HR > Data Management > Regions.
  12. Cost centres list - A dropdown list of all of the Business Units in your environment, populated from the list in Administration > HR > Data Management > Cost Centres.
  13. Business units list - A dropdown list of all of the Business Units in your environment, populated from the list in Administration > HR > Data Management > Business Units.
  14. Job grades list - A populated list of all of the Job Grades in your environment, populated from the list in Administration > HR > Data Management > Job Grades.

Populated Fields

This group of fields can be used to pre-populate the form with information related to the employee to whom the form is assigned, based on the "Assigned Employee" field. The information is drawn from the employee's Job Role, and is taken from the information entered in Administration > HR > Data Management > job Roles. These are commonly used in Performance Review forms.

  1. Populated - employee job description - This field populates the employee's job description.
  2. Populated - employee job responsibilities This field populates the employee's job responsibilities.
  3. Populated - employee job qualifications This field populates the employee's job qualifications.
  4. Populated - employee job competencies This field populates the employee's job competencies.
  5. Populated - employee job experience This field populates the employee's job experience.
  6. Populated - employee job generic description This field populates the employee's generic job description.


These fields can be used to apply formatting to your form.

  1. Heading - This allows you to add headings to your form.
  2. Horizontal Spacer - A horizontal dividing line that can be used to separate different sections of a form.
  3. HTML - The HTML field allows you to add formatted text as well as other items such as images, tables, embedded videos, etc.
  4. Accordion - This allows you to show a section that is "closed" initially, appearing as a heading, but can be "expanded" to show further information.
  5. Image - This allows you to add an image to the form.


The fields in this section can be used to divide the form into separate pages or sections, or include "Clone" sections that allow the user to "Clone" a set of fields so that multiple sets of information can be added.

  1. Page - start - This is used to start a new page in a form. The text in the "Values" field will be used as a page heading and as a navigational aid that the user can use to navigate between the pages in a form.
  2. Page - end - This is used to mark the end of a page and must be used in conjunction with a Page - start field.
  3. Section - start - This is used to start a new section in a form. The text in the "Values" field will be used as the section heading.
  4. Section - end - This is used to end a section and must be used in conjunction with a Section - start field.
  5. Clone - start – This is used to mark the start of a "Clone Section". Cone sections allow the user the "duplicate" a set of fields in a form by clicking a button when completing a form. Any field placed between the Clone - start and Clone - end field is included in these duplicated fields. Clone fields are further described in the following article: Clone Fields.
  6. Clone - end - This is used to mark the end of a "Clone Section".


These fields are used in Performance Review forms to populate the 9 box grid. Click here for further information about 9 box grids.

  1. 9 box grid - performance (standard) - A dropdown list pre-populated with Low, Moderate, and High that is used to populate the performance element of the standard 9 box grid.
  2. 9 box grid - potential (standard) - A dropdown list populated with Low, Moderate, and High that is used to populate the potential element of the standard 9 box grid.
  3. 9 box grid - performance (custom) - A dropdown list populated with your custom values (entered in the values field) for the x-axis of a custom 9 box grid.
  4. 9 box grid - potential (custom) - A dropdown list populated with your custom values for the y-axis of the custom 9 box grid.


Completed fields are used in forms to mark the completion of a section or of a whole form. They can also be used to progress workflows when the form is used as part of a workflow. They take the form of a dropdown containing the values "Yes" and "No".

  1. Completed - When this is set to 'Yes', this marks the form as a whole as completed. This type of completed field should only be used in a form when only one party needs to complete the form, and it is also not part of a workflow. This will mark the form as completed and lock the responses.
  2. Employee completed - Commonly used in Performance Review forms. When this is set to 'Yes', this marks the form as completed from the Employee's point of view. This will lock any fields that the employee (only) is able to complete.
  3. Manager completed – Commonly used in Performance Review forms. When this is set to 'Yes' this marks the form as completed from the Manager's point of view. This will lock any fields that the manager (only) is able to complete.
  4. Workflow step completed – When this is set to 'Yes', this will cause the workflow to continue on to the next "On Last Action" step. There are 5 of these workflow step completed fields that can be used in sequence to provide a form/workflow process with multiple steps. For example, the employee fills out a section of the form and marks "Workflow step completed" as 'Yes'. The workflow then sends the form to the manager, then the manager completes their section of the form and marks "Workflow step completed 2" to 'Yes'. The workflow can continue in such a manner using "Workflow step completed 3", "Workflow step completed 4", and "Workflow step completed 5".
  5. Electronic signature - workflow completed action

Further Note on "Completed" fields

Completed, Employee Completed and Manager Completed fields in a form have an impact on the ability for certain user groups to make changes to the content of a form.

For example, you have a Performance Review form and the employee fills in the first part. Once they set the "Employee completed" field to 'Yes', they cannot then return and edit the form. Likewise, once the "Manager completed" field is set to 'Yes', then neither the employee nor manager can edit the form.

In all three cases, these fields (when the form is embedded within a workflow) can also serve as the method of updating the workflow step to notify that the task is completed.

If you have a situation where you have a form in the workflow, but the permissions are such that using the three above completed fields would stop the workflow from functioning as you need (e.g.: if you needed the form to move from employee to manager and then back to the employee), you can use the Workflow step completed fields as described above - this does not have any impact on permissions or the ability to edit the form and simply is used to tell the workflow that the step is completed and can progress to the next step.

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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 4 years ago
  3. Updated 2 years ago
