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HRWize Patch Notes Version 22.4.8

New Features & Enhancements

Self Service - Ability for employee to see their Start Date and Length of Service in Self Service

Employees are currently able to view various items of information about their own employment on the Self Service > My job page.

The fields displayed on this page are determined by a setting on the Display Settings page.

Following customer feedback, we have now extended this to include Start Date and Length of Service.

You will find 2 new options on the Display Settings page under Employee views > Show my job details which allow you to enable both of these new fields. These options are disabled by default.

User Interface - Option to show the Employee Profile Photo on their Homepage

We have introduced an option to display the employee's photo on their homepage.

The Display employee photo on homepage setting can be found on the Display Settings page under the Employee views heading, and is enabled by default.

If provided, the employee's photo is displayed in the "Welcome" message at the top of the homepage. If not provided, the employee's initials are used.

The employee's photo is also now used to indicate the "Profile" menu in the top-right of the interface.


Report Builder: Reports stored in a Category cannot be used in Drilldowns. Issue resolved where reports stored in a Category were not available for selection as a Drilldown when building a report.

Report Builder: Date picker allows choice of dates which are not valid for Analytics reports. Issue resolved where users building a report based on the People Analytics data set were able to choose dates for which there was no Analytics data available.

Report Builder: Calculated Annualised Salary fields not populated in Reports for new starters. Issue resolved where the Calculated Annualised Salary fields in Report Builder were not populated for newly added employees until their Salary was updated.

Timesheets: Default Timesheet approval email reminders do not contain the name of the employee. Issue resolved where reminder emails sent as part of the system's default Timesheet approval process did not contain the name of the Employee.

Workflows: Future-dated steps triggered prematurely in Workflows with multiple consecutive Yes/No steps. Issue resolved where, if a workflow contained multiple consecutive Yes/No steps, subsequent future/dated steps were triggered prematurely when the Yes/No step was actioned.

Time Off: Issues requesting Time Off affecting some customers. Issue resolved where Employees in some customer environments were unable to submit Time off requests in specific circumstances.

Time Off: HTML Code snippets appear in CSV exports of the Time Off table view. Issue resolved where a HTML Code snippet was included when the Time Off table view was exported in CSV format.

Time Off: Attachments uploaded when editing an existing Time Off request were not saved. Issue resolved where attachments uploaded when editing an existing Time Off request were not correctly saved.

Social chat: Deleting a Social Chat reply deletes the original post. Issue resolved where deleting a reply to a Social Chat post would delete the original post as well as the reply.

Expenses: Update to acceptable file types and associated error messaging. Issues resolved where a mismatch existed between messaging displayed in the Expenses module listing the acceptable file types for upload, and the actual file types accepted.

Calendar: Approvers viewing the calendar see duplicate Time Off records. Issue resolved where Approvers viewing the calendar would see each Time Off record for employees they approve twice.

Company Settings: Home email address checkbox shown twice in Mandatory fields. Issue resolved where "Home email" appeared twice in the list of Mandatory Fields available for selection in the Company Settings page.

Recruitment: Hide settings which do not apply to "New" style recruitment portal templates. Issues resolved where customers building a recruitment portal template in the "New" style were presented with options that were not applicable to that style.

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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 2 years ago
  3. Updated 2 days ago
