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Search is not returning results from PDF documents

When a candidate applies for a job vacancy, the HRWize Recruitment module allows you to upload TXT, DOC, RTF and PDF documents with a candidate, which we then index and allow you to search the content of the CV later in:

Recruitment > Search CV

If you are uploading PDF documents, there are times when the search may not reliably find all the information within the PDF. This is due to the way some PDF documents are formatted.

If a PDF file is "complex" with lots of tables, styling and graphics then due to the way PDF documents are encoded, these do not always fully and properly index so some data will not be searchable. 

This does not impact other file types nor simple PDFs - we are looking for ways around this and will update this note once we find an alternative.

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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 7 years ago
  3. Updated 4 years ago
