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Creating Custom Interview Email Templates

You can create custom interview email templates to send to candidates when scheduling an interview.

To do so, go to:

Administration > Company > Settings > Recruitment > Interview email templates

To add a new template, click the 'Add' button. You will then see a screen shown below:

From here, you can give the template a name, and an email subject. Then, you can add any text you wish to the box as well as some fields that are relative to the specific individual and role.

To add these fields, place any of the below in the location you desire in the email so that when you add an interview, the system will replace these placeholders with the correct values for that interview.

  • [first_name] - First name of candidate
  • [sur_name] - Last name of candidate
  • [date] - The date of the scheduled interview
  • [date_time] - The date and time of the scheduled interview
  • [time] - The time of the scheduled interview
  • [location] - The location of the scheduled interview
  • [post_applied_for] - The job title or requisition
  • [stage] - The recruitment stage the applicant or candidate is currently in
  • [interviewer] - Name of the person interviewing the candidate
  • [interviewer_job_title] - The job title of the interviewer
  • [interviewer_email] - The email address of the interviewer
  • [interview_video_link] - Video link found in Self service > My details
  • [message_to_recipient] - Insert a pre-built message to the recipient

Click on the '+' icon next to the field to see these options. 

E.g.: Hello [first_name] [sur_name]! Thank you for applying for the role of [post_applied_for]. We are pleased to confirm your interview for this role will be held at [location] on [date] at [time].

There is also the option of allowing the candidate to accept or decline the interview offer. This will trigger the "Candidate can accept / decline interview in email" option when creating a new Interview invitation in Recruitment > Interviews:

You can choose the default template to use by going to:

Administration > Company > Settings > Recruitment > Settings

Under "Interviews", you can choose the default template under the 1st option. When you book an interview, you'll be presented with the following options:

When scheduling the interview, you can choose from the box highlighted above if it uses the default template or an alternative if it's the 2nd interview for example.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 4 years ago
  3. Updated 2 years ago
