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Application Forms for Recruitment

In HRWize, it's now possible to build an entirely custom Application Form to use in the Recruitment module. This can be used to replace the system's default application form. It has the unique ability to map the fields on the form to the fields in the Candidate's file so that when you build a field for the Candidate's first name, for example, that data will be populated in the First Name field on the candidate's file.

You can even create different Application Forms for different roles!

Please Note - When you choose to use a custom application form for a requisition, any Custom Questions entered in the Template or Role Specific Questions entered in the requisition will not be displayed to the candidate. You'll need to include these in your custom application form.

Building an Application Form

The form is built much the same way as any other form, using our Form Builder tool, which can be accessed by an Admin or HR level user in:

Administration > Company or HR > Form Builder

In the Form Builder page, click on the Add button at the bottom of the page to create a new form.

When building your new form, be sure to choose the Application form option from the available options in the Form Type dropdown:

Another important field to consider on this page is the "User groups access" field. By default, completed application forms are available to Admins, HR, and Recruiter level users. In this field, you can choose to make the form available to the "Hiring Manager" and "Finance":

The process of building the form itself is the same as any other form type, but there is a key difference to be aware of - The fields in an Application Form can be mapped to a field on the Candidate's file. This will prepopulate the candidate's file with the information entered into the form. This is how we populate the Candidate's file.

E.g. If we want to capture the candidate's First name, we will need to add a field called "First Name" (the label is of your choice, so if you'd prefer "Forename", you can do so), and map it to the candidate field "Firstname". In the form builder, it would look like this:

Using the "Candidate field" setting, it's the mapping that causes the Candidate's file to be populated with the entered information. It's important to choose an appropriate "Field type" here as well. In this example, the "Text box - single line" field type is a good choice for a First Name. A checkbox or a Yes/No field wouldn't really be appropriate.

In some cases, when you choose a "Candidate field" to map to, the "Field type" option will not be shown. E.g. With "Email", the system will automatically use the "Email" field type so that it can be validated as a valid email address format, and would look like this:

Contrary to the other types of forms, there is no requirement to include either an "Assigned Employee" field (as this form refers to a candidate or a "Completed" field. Just include the only fields that the candidate should complete!

Using a Custom Application Form for a Requisition

Once you have built your custom application form, you can use this for your newly added requisitions. To do this, you will need to add a requisition in:

Recruitment > Requisitions

Click on the Add button to add a new requisition.

On this page, there is a dropdown for "Custom Application Form":

  • System default - Choose this to use the built-in application form, or
  • The name of your custom form, in which you have created in Form Builder.

When you candidates for this requisition click on the Apply Now button on the Recruitment Portal, they will be provided with the Default form or your Custom form according to the choice made in this field.

Click here for more information on how to add requisitions.

Viewing Completed Custom Application Forms

When an application form is completed, a candidate record will be created. The content of the completed form can be viewed by navigating to the Candidate in:

Recruitment > Candidates

Below the candidate's information, you will see an icon, or in the Actions column, called "Forms":

*Depending on your access level, not all of these icons might be displayed.*

Click on Forms to view any forms associated with this candidate. This will include the Application Form and any Recruitment Forms.

This will be available to any Admin, HR, or Recruiter level user, as well as the Hiring Manager for the requisition if you have chosen to give them access to the Application Form.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 4 years ago
  3. Updated 2 years ago
