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HRWize Patch Notes Version 22.3.3

Release Date: July 19, 2022

New UI Fixes

New UI : Performance - Form layout displaying incorrectlyIssue resolved which was resulting in saved forms displaying incorrectly when ‘Option to lock form response(s)’ had been set to ‘Yes - locked upon publishing’ or ‘Yes - unlocked upon publishing’.

New UI : Time off - Half day holidays not working correctlyIssue resolved which was causing the ‘period’ field to be reset to ‘All day’ when changing the Time off type on time off requests.

New UI : Calendar setting resulting in unexpected behaviour for Admin & HR usersVarious issues resolved which were present when ‘Home page calendar visible to admin/HR level users’ was set to ‘No’ in Display Settings

  • Navigation bar stuck in it's current state with the burger menu becoming unresponsive on the homepage.
  • Time off modal displaying Employee Comments and Manager Comments when requesting time off.
  • Calendar popup failing to display when booking time off.

General Fixes

Mileage references are not visible on all pagesOutstanding issues resolved which were resulting in mileage references failing to display in some scenarios.

Notify only approval issue with time off tradesIssue resolved which was resulting in an incorrect ‘active status’ when a notify only workflow was in use.

Issue with new ‘Electronic signature - workflow completed action’ fields not progressing workflowsIssue resolved which was resulting in Workflows failing to progress to the next step when an ‘Electronic signature - workflow completed action’ field was present and the form was saved before being submitted.

Backslash displayed before apostrophe in Report Builder CategoriesIssue resolved which was resulting in Report Category names displaying incorrectly when an apostrophe has been used.

Performance Review Split Screen no longer scrolling with the formIssue resolved which causing the split screen view on performance review forms to remain at the top of the page rather than scrolling with the user.

Expense approval emails contain duplicated text when using the default processIssue resolved which causing duplicate text to appear in approval emails when the default approval process was in use.

User Modules tooltip text displaying incorrectlyTooltip text updated.

Icons out of alignment on the composer controlIssue resolved which was causing some icons to be misaligned in the composer tools throughout the system.

Unable to choose sites in Workflow restrictionsIssue resolved which caused users to be unable to select any sites if the system had no active departments configured and their workflow was restricted to “All Departments” in Workflow Builder.

Workflow tag 'requisition_reason' pulling through incorrect detailsIssue resolved which was resulting in the wrong value being displayed in emails when the ‘requisition_reason’ tag was used.

Error when reporting on Custom fieldsIssue resolved which was causing an error to be presented when trying to report on some custom fields.

Minor issues when editing an Application Form with Submissions against itIssue resolved which was resulting in the Candidate_field appearing blank when editing a Custom Application Form in Form Builder, if that form already had submissions.

Template not generated in create_template Workflow stepIssue resolved which was resulting in templates not being created when included in Approval Workflows.

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