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HRWize Patch Notes Version 22.3.1

Release Date: July 5, 2022

New UI Fixes

New UI : Time off  Holiday years based on employee start date displaying incorrect end date on the homepageIssue resolved which was resulting in the wrong end date being displayed on the homepage when the holiday entitlement year was based on the employees start date

New UI : Announcements  Linked documents not displayingIssue resolved which was preventing documents from displaying when linked to Announcements in the new UI

New UI : Forms  Happiness scale not displaying correctly on saved formsIssue resolved which was causing forms containing the happiness scale not to display correctly. This has been updated so we will now display the entire happiness
scale on saved forms with the employees selection highlighted so users reviewing the form can easily see where the employee sits on the scale. Previously, in the
old UI, we only displayed the employees selection, not the full scale.

New UI : Employee card / Candidate card search not working as expectedThe search bar on both the employee card and the candidate card has been updated so that it now searches through all of the section categories (Core details, Financial etc), not just the expanded one.

  • If a search result is found, the section containing that result will be expanded and the relevant option displayed. All other options not meeting the search criteria will be hidden

General Fixes

Recruitment : Requisitions data source excludes the manager running the reportIssue resolved which was resulting in the manager running the report being excluded from the report results when that manager was also a hiring manager

Bulk update NI number failing to update some NI numbersIssue resolved which was preventing the NI number field from being updated for employees who didn’t already have an NI number present on their record

Bulk approving Timesheets does not automatically add TOIL recordsIssue resolved which was causing no TOIL records to be added when Timesheets were approved using the bulk approve option

Error message displaying when creating anonymous survey formsIssue resolved which was resulting in an error message being displayed incorrectly when anonymous survey forms were created

Mandatory document workflow refers to company documents instead of mandatory employee documentsIssue resolved which was resulting in an error being displayed incorrectly when creating workflows based on mandatory documents

Conversion of working hours into working days formatFix applied to convert working hours into working days format to enable successful integration with Payroll

Reporting on custom forms results in an errorIssue resolved which was resulting in an error being generated and no report results displaying when reporting on custom form datasets

HR Tickets unable to be marked as read when more than 1 message is present from an employeeIssue resolved which was preventing HR Tickets from being updated to ‘read’ when 2 of more consecutive messages were present from the employee

Managers unable to add goals for their extended downlineIssue resolved which was preventing managers from adding goals to employees within their extended downline i.e. employees who report to their direct reports

Duplicating a requisition does not duplicate the ‘Additional reviewers’ fieldIssue resolved which was resulting in Additional reviewers not being copied across to the new requisition when a requisition was duplicated

Escalation steps still trigger for archived/inactive workflowsIssue resolved which was causing escalation steps to still trigger after a workflow has been archived/marked as inactive

Error message displaying when adding a Leaver without a workflowIssue resolved which was causing an error message to be displayed incorrectly when adding a Leaver without selecting a workflow

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