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HRWize Patch Notes Version 22.4.2

Release Date: December 6, 2022

New features and Enhancements

API: Adding Cost Centre to Company Holidays API

On the Company Holidays API endpoint, objects are returned to represent the restrictions against a holiday (Site, Department, etc). Previously, an object was not returned for Cost Centre. We have now added this so it is possible to see in the result whether a holiday is restricted by Cost Centre.


Workflows: Workflow tags for Leaver dates are not respecting localised date formats. Issue resolved where the dates populated by the system into [employee_leave_date], [employee_contract_end_date], and [employee_last_working_day] workflow tags were not respecting the customer's localised date formats, and were always displaying in dd/mm/yyyy format.

Workflows: Issue with the [employee_current_site_address] tag. Issue resolved where the [employee_current_site_address] tag displayed the address of the employee's site, but did not display the site name. The tag [employee_current_site_name] has been added so that the Site Name can be added to workflows.

Workflows: Workflows triggered on Form Submission not respecting Cost Centre Restrictions. Issue resolved where if a workflow was triggered based on Form Submission, and that workflow had a Cost Centre restriction, the Cost Centre restrictions were not being respected.

Workflows: Continuous / Employee Age workflow's can't be duplicated. Issue resolved where if a user built a new workflow of category "Continuous" and type "Employee Age", and then tried to "Duplicate steps from another workflow of the same category/type, no workflows were shown in the drop-down. The workflow steps could therefore not be duplicated between workflows of this category/type.

Workflows: Custom SMTP not being used if sending via Plain Text. Issue resolved where if a custom SMTP email was setup and used the "Send message as plain text" option in a workflow step, the email was not sent via the SMTP server.

UI: Default workflow notification are capped at 15 in To-Do pane. Issue resolved where if the user had more than 15 "default" workflow notifications (that is, notifications from default processes rather than custom workflows) in their To-Do pane, only the first 15 were down. The badge / counter which is displayed for the number of notifications also showed an incorrect count as a result.

Time off: Time off/time-off-add page lags and loads very slowly for Admin users. Issue resolved where, for customers with a very large number of Time off records, the Time off and Time Off Add pages loaded slowly for Admin users.

Time off: TOIL able to be booked in next holiday year, when set to expire within holiday year. Issue resolved where if TOIL was set to expire within the current holiday year, and a user attempted to add a time off request using the TOIL type dated in the next holiday year, no error was presented and the request was submitted.

Time tracking: No warning banner when clocking in from an IP address which is not in the "Valid IP addresses" list.  Issue resolved where if valid IP addresses had been specified for Time Tracking, and a user clocked in from an IP address taht was not in that list, the clock in was not recorded but no error / warning banner was displayed to inform the user that the clock-in had failed.

Time tracking: Geo-location not prompting for Location Services and therefore not recording location. Issue resolved where, with geo-location enabled for Time Tracking, the browser did not prompt for permission to access location services and therefore the geo-location for the check in/out could not be recorded.

Working patterns: Issue with varying week working pattersn greater than 9 weeks in length. Issue resolved where if a "Varying weeks" working pattern of more than 9 week in length was published to an employee, the working days populated were incorrect from week 2 onwards.

Templates: Birthday-related template tags not populating. Issue resolved where Birthday-related tags used in templates - [employee_birthday], [employee_dob_written], [employee_birthday_written] - were not populated with the relevant date in the document generated from the template.

Reporting: Issues with the visibility of Analytics Dashboards. Issue resolved where in some circumstances users were able to see dashboards to which they did not have access. Whilst the individual reports and charts within the dashboard did not display, the dashboard itself was visible where it should not have been,

Mileage: Secondary mileage rate not applying. Issue resolved where the secondary mileage rate was not being applied when the mileage limit year was set to financial year and the distance threshold for the default mileage rate had been exceeded. This meant that the default mileage rate was used for all mileage claims.

Benefits: Custom benefit types can be deleted despite being assigned to employees. Issue resolved where, when using the Custom Benefits module, the user was able to delete a Custom Benefit type that was in use by employees. An error message was displayed suggesting that the Custom Benefit type could not be deleted, but it was deleted regardless.

Employees: When an employee's status is toggled a Leaver/Rejoiner history record is not created. Issue resolved where if an employee's status was toggled between Active and Archived (instead of using the "Make Leaver" / "Restore Leaver" functions) a Leaver/Rejoiner history record was not created.

Recruitment: Archived Sites and Departments shown when adding or editing a Job Offer. Issue resolved where archived sites and departments were available for selection in the Site and Department fields when adding a new Job Offer or editing an existing one.

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