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HRWize Patch Notes Version 22.2.5

Release Date: May 7, 2022

New features & Enhancements

Using custom fields as Workflow Triggers

  • When creating a workflow with a Category of Continuous and a Type of Changes, you will now be able to select your custom fields from the Option list
  • Any custom field you have configured will be available to select
  • Once your workflow has been set to Active, your custom field will be set to read only. This is to prevent changes being made to your custom field which may affect your workflow
  • Note : To make change to your custom field you will first need to disable your workflow which will make your custom field editable again

Using custom fields to trigger Workflow Tasks

We have added functionality to allow custom date fields to be used as triggers for your Workflow tasks

  • Your workflow can be any Category (Continuous, Approval or Task)
  • Only custom fields with a type of ‘date’ will be available to select
  • Custom fields will appear under a new heading called ‘Custom Fields’ and available to select when configuring the
  • ‘When should this happen?’ fields for each step in your workflow

Additional Custom Fields

We have added an additional 20 custom fields to the system giving customers a total of 40 custom fields. These fields are configured and behave in exactly the same way as the other custom fields already available. These additional fields have been added to give customers greater flexibility to configure the system in a way that is suitable for them and their business.

Reporting on Announcement Acknowledgements

We have added the ability to report on the number of users who have acknowledged an announcement. This can be done using a new Data Source called Employee Acknowledged Announcements within Report builder.

Adding AM/PM for training into the API

Additional end points added to our API to allow AM/PM training records to be synced with calendar integration.


Workflows should not trigger with "missing" steps: A change has been made to prevent workflows from triggering where any step is based on a date field which has not been populated. Previously this would have resulted in workflows being generated with missing steps

Training tags issue in continuous workflowsIssue resolved which was resulting in training tags not populating correctly

When editing a report with drilldowns, the drilldown values are lostIssue corrected to prevent drill down settings from being lost when editing reports

Site ID not populating when offer made for a candidateIssue corrected which was preventing the Site ID from being saved when creating a new offer

Workflow emails do not respect "Email logo" in Branding Templates assigned to SitesIssue corrected so that workflow emails will display the correct logo based on the template being used

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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 3 years ago
  3. Updated 8 days ago
