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Site Level Branding

This feature provides the ability to have different branding (logos, colours, Twitter, etc.) per site. Site-level branding can be used for instance when a business has different companies under one parent and wants each company to see its own branding and not the parent branding.

When an employee based on one site logs into HRWize, they will then see the branding for their site.

Setting up Site-Level Branding

To create a new template, go to:

Administration > Company > Settings > Branding Settings

Any branding that has already been applied will be configured in the Default template where this applies to all sites. 

You can edit this existing branding template by clicking on the Edit action or add a new site branding template by clicking on the 'Add' button.

Simply give the new template a name, add any logos, fill in the colour values, Twitter integration, and then save. You will see the new template listed in your Branding Templates page.

Applying Site-Level Branding

To apply the new template, go to:

Administration > HR > Data Management > Sites

Click on the Edit action on the Actions column for the site you want to apply the template to:

Scroll down to Branding Template and select the appropriate template for this site, then click on Submit to finish.

When an employee based at that site logs into HRWize, they will then see the branding for their site.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 5 years ago
  3. Updated 2 years ago
