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Displaying Requisitions Created in HRWize in Your Company Website Careers Page

HRWize allows you to create requisitions, and display them on your company website's careers page.

There are 3 basic steps:

  1. Create a Job Page Template
  2. Add a requisition
  3. Create a Portal key

1. Create a Job Page Template

To create a Job Page Template, simply go to:

Recruitment > Options > List page settings

Click on the Add button and you will see a lot of options to choose from. Some of the options including page widths, fonts and colours that may require support from your website administrator and your marketing team who can provide you with a branding guide.

Please Note - When it comes to colours, you must use the hexadecimal value of the colour, and not the RBG values. There are many resources available online that can convert an RGB value such as R: 255, G: 255, and B: 255, which will convert to #ffffff.

Complete as much as you can in the "Job list page", "Job detail page", and "Application form" sections. At the bottom of the page, you can add up 10 custom questions that will appear on all requisitions.

Click on Submit to save your changes, making a note of the template name, especially if you are creating more than one. You may want to do this if your business comprises multiple companies or perhaps multiple sites with different languages.

2. Add a requisition

To create a requisition, simply go to:

Recruitment > Requisitions

Click on the Add button. If you want the requisition to display on your website's careers page, please ensure that:

  • Requisition status is set to Active;
  • Adhoc requisition is set to No;
  • Show on portal is set to Yes;
  • Go live date is not set to a future date;
  • The closing date is set to a future date.

Complete the rest of your requisition, filling in as many details as you can. In addition to the questions you may have added in the Job page template above, you can also add up to 5 questions that will only be displayed in this requisition.

You can attach a more detailed job description if you wish. Please keep in mind that the internal attachment will not be displayed on your website's careers page, as this is used for the company's purposes only.

Once you have submitted and refreshed your page, you will see, at the bottom of the screen, two direct requisition links:

If you click on the first link, this will show you what the requisition look like:

If you click on the second link, this will show you what the application form looks like:

You can make any adjustments to the details by updating the requisition or by editing or adding the job description, responsibilities, and qualification information in the corresponding job role in:

Administration > HR > Data Management > Job roles

3. Create a Portal key

Now that you have at least one Job Page Template and one Requisition, you can create a Portal key in:

Recruitment > Requisitions

Click on the Portal keys button at the button of the screen, then click on Add at the bottom of the next screen:

Then, give your portal key a name, set any site permissions (if you leave this blank, all jobs from all sites will be displayed on your careers page), choose the Job page template created from above with your preferred language. Once done, click on Submit.

Once submitted, you will see your job key on the job portal keys page. You can click on Add to create other portal keys if you want to set up web pages for different sites and/or languages. Make a copy of the URL as this is the key that will be used on your company website's careers page.

Once your portal key has successfully added, you should see your requisitions displayed. Any new requisitions will automatically appear here, and any requisitions that are closed will be automatically removed. The appearance of what you see here is controlled by what you add or remove from the Requisitions page and any modifications in terms of fonts, sizes and colours you make to your Job page template. Therefore, this should be taken into consideration if your business updates or changes your company branding.

If you have created an Adhoc requisition, candidates can see and apply by clicking on the Register your details button.

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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 5 years ago
  3. Updated 2 years ago
