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Slack Integration With Workflows

In HRWize, it is possible to link a Slack Workspace to your HRWize account so workflow messages can be sent to either individual employees or Slack Channels.

The integration needs to be set up by linking a Slack Workspace to the HRWize system. This action is done by an Admin user for both the HRWize environment and the Slack Workspace in:

Administration > Company > Settings > Slack Integration

On this page, click on the Link Slack button to link your Slack Workspace to HRWize. This will take you to Slack to complete a request for permission. Click on Allow to complete the link.

Once you've completed the link, a success message will be displayed, followed by a list of the channels and users on the Slack workspace. Now, your Slack integration has been successfully connected to your HRWize environment.

Sending Messages to Slack Channels

To send a message to a channel, use the workflow step type "Send message to slack channel", entering the channel name in the Recipients field, like so:


A list of Slack Channels in your workspace can be obtained by going to:

Administration > Company > Settings > Slack integration

Sending Messages to Employees

To send a slack message to an employee, you will need to store the employee's Slack ID against their employee record in HRWize. To add this, simply go to:

People > Employees

Click on the edit icon on the employee's card, navigate to the job details page and enter their slack ID in the "Slack" field.

When you click save and the Slack ID is removed from the "Slack" field, this means that it is not valid. The list of Slack IDs in your workspace can be obtained by going to:

Administration > Company > Settings > Slack integration

You can also use the "Update employees" bulk uploader to populate Slack IDs against your employees. For more information on bulk upload, please visit the following article: HRWize - Bulk Upload.

Once you have populated this information against your employees, you can send Slack message to employees by using a "Send Slack message to Specified Recipient" step in your workflow, like so:

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 5 years ago
  3. Updated 4 years ago
