Similar to the employee table, an employee card is a card that has the pertinent information of a given employee as well as links to all possible actions taken to that employee.
To access an employee card, simply go to:
People > Employees
You are then taken to the Employee card page where there is a drop-down populated with employee names. Click the name of the employee and their card is loaded.
Alternatively, you can use the search box and enter a few letters from the Employee name and the list will be narrowed to only show those which contain the letters entered.
The Employee card shows the following information:
- Image
- Name
- Job title
- Length of service
- Department
- Job status
- Site
- Region
- Cost centre
- Job grade
- Salary
- Head of department
- Manager
- Approver
- Super approver
- Next time off (if any)
- Timeoff taken and remaining
- Unauthorized absence heatmap
- Current status (Shows In office or Returning date linked to Time off records and to Employee normal working days (if set) or Company normal working days - this section will also display their next booked time off dates
- Skype
- Coloured indicator
- Required document status
- System ID
- Custom fields
Additionally, along the right side of the Employee card are links to all the actions which can be performed against an employee. These actions are:
Core details:
- View - Show all the information in the system relating to this employee on one screen;
- Edit - Edit the employee's file;
- Change - Change the employee's manager, department, job title, job status and so on;
- Medical - Enter medical information for the employee such as allergies;
- Photo - Add a photo of the employee;
- Notes - Notes related to this employee;
- Risks - View a record of employee risks;
- Forms - View assigned forms associated with this employee;
- Leaver - Process the employee as a leaver and archive;
Benefits - update employee working days, hours per week, time off allowances, salary and benefits information;
- Payments - Track any extra payments outside of salary and expenses which have been made to this employee;
Documents and workflows:
- Documents - Upload documents which are attached to the employee file;
- Workflows - The ability to allocate custom-built task workflows to this employee;
- Onboarding - Start or modify the current onboarding process for this employee.
Time and attendance:
- Time off - View or add time off for this individual employee;
- Map - Shows an annual view of the employee's absence;
- Triggers - Notification method which enables notification and a follow up action to be applied when a rule you have defined is “triggered" such as taking more than 3 days of unauthorized leave in last 6 months;
- Timesheets - View all timesheets which have been completed by this employee;
- Working Pattern - Set/view an employee working pattern;
- Reminders - Reminders for this employee.
- Training - Training for this employee;
- Goals - Goals for this employee;
- Competencies - Input and map employee's competencies alongside required competencies in their current role. Alongside the development module, you can also map competencies alongside desired job role;
- Development - Input an achievement the employee aspires to or has achieved.
- Development roles - Input the desired future job role of an employee once they have expressed an interest in the promotion. This feature works alongside the competencies module;
- Assets - View assets associated with this employee;
- Vehicles - Track any vehicles associate with the employee;
- Systems - View/add systems to the employee record;
If you do not want to display employee cards, it is possible to change the view to a table of all of your employees. To display employees as a table, select the table view control beneath the employee card.
Inside "Table View", each of the employee interaction controls will be collapsed under the "Actions" column on the right-hand side:
Click here for a visual video presentation of the HRWize's home screen.