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Employee Card Icons Explained

In the employee card view, there are a couple of icons that may be displayed near the employee's photo, depending on the settings in your account.

Recording lateness

On the top left-hand side, a small clock icon will allow you to record an instance of lateness for a particular employee.

Upon clicking the 'Clock' icon, a popup window will appear asking for further details regarding the lateness entry. Once submitted, this information will be stored alongside the employee file. 

Key Employee, fire warden and first aide

In some instances, a small key icon may be displayed on the top right-hand corner just above the employee photograph. 

The key icon indicates that this particular employee is a "Key Employee" and is of particular value to your organization. This is for information purposes only and cannot be seen by the individual employee.

If you have employees in your company who are either fire wardens or first aides, this will also show on the employee card. In the top right, you will see an icon for fire warden and/or first aid.

 Manager Icon

You will notice a small person figure. This icon indicates that this particular employee is linked to a manager level role. 

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