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Approver User Permissions

Within HRWize there are a total of 9 different User Groups available for you to choose from when setting up a User.  Each group gives the user a different set of permissions and access rights, and there are also a number of options available for users within those groups.  This article describes the Approver user group's permissions.

  • All manager, HR and admin level users can also be assigned as approver, by default. If also manager or HR level, the same restrictions will be applied as the corresponding group for the relevant employees.
  • Approver users cannot have a secondary user group themselves however Manager, HR and admin level users also count as approvers.
  • Approvers can only access those for whom they are set as an approver.
  • Approver users can only approve requests for time off, training etc. They can optionally be granted to ability to add and edit these records too on an individual basis.
  • Approvers have no access to pay/benefits, cannot see employee fields as an approver and cannot delete any records either.
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