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Moderating Social Chat

Social chat forms part of the Social stream feature that gives your HRWize users the ability to recognize their colleagues for a job well done, birthdays, congratulations on a promotion or passing an exam, etc.

You can read other Social stream related knowledgebase articles by clicking on these links:

Social Recognition

Social Stream Automation

Once enabled, Social chat appears at the top of the Social stream feature on each HRWize users' home page:

To enable Social chat, go to:

Administration > Company > Settings > Social > Social settings

1.  Social stream status must be set to Enabled

2. Social chat status must be set to Enabled

Please Note - Although it is possible to enable Social stream but disable Social chat, if you disable Social stream, Social chat will then not be available to use on its own.

With Social chat enabled, you can make use of the Social moderation feature which will help to control the content of the Social chats posts made by your HRWize users.

3. You can choose what content you want to moderate in your HRWize users' posts

  • Profanity
  • All posts with image
  • All posts with videos
  • All posts with links

4.  HRWize provides a default list of common profanities. This list cannot be viewed or edited but you can create your own list by entering them as comma-separated words here.

Please Note - Any words you add here will not be added to the default profanities list. Instead, your list will replace the default list of profanities, so only the words you add will be moderated.

Once you have made your changes, click on Submit to save your changes.

Now, when an HRWize user enters a post that meets the criteria for moderation, the user will see a warning telling them their post has been queued for moderation and to come back later.

An email notification is sent to the HR Mailbox.

As an HR or Admin access level user, you can click on the Login button to access the Social moderation queue by going to:

Administration > HR > Social moderation

Here, you can see all of the posts that are waiting to be approved. In this example, you can see:

  1. Text and link to a shopping website
  2. Check if a video is acceptable
  3. One of the words we added to our profanities list, or one of the words if using the default profanities list
  4. One of the words we added to our list of profanities with an * substituting one of the vowels, in this case, "e". If more letters are substituted (e.g. a****s), this will then not be moderated. However, in this example, it would be difficult to work out what the original word was anyway.
  5. This is a link, you can click on the link to see if this is acceptable
  6. An image
  7. Next to each queued post, there is a checkbox, select one or more of these to then
  8. Approve or Decline the post(s)

Posts that have been approved will then appear in the Social stream for all HRWize users.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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