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Workflow Step Types

When building any of the different types of workflow within HRWize, there is a number of different types of step which can be created. Each of the different step types denotes an action that will take place as part of the workflow.

Workflow Actions

  • Assign to - Assign a task to an individual that appears as a workflow notice until it is marked as completed by the recipient.
  • Create template - Generate a template letter for the assigned employee in the workflow.
  • Schedule meeting - Schedule a meeting between the assigned employee for the workflow, and the assignee on the workflow step.
  • Send account email - This step sends emails to the workflow's assigned employee with their account username and password for login.
  • Send document for signing - Sends a link to a Company Document to the employee to be digitally signed. Further information on Electronic Signatures on Company Documents can be found here.
  • Send email to (external) email address - Sends an email to an external email address. You can use multiple email addresses here by separating the addresses with a comma.
  • Send email to specified recipient
  • Send existing form - Send a form that was previously included in the workflow using a Send New Form step. You will need to choose the Send New Form step the form is included in.
  • Send existing form (externally) - Send a form that was previously included in the workflow (using a Send New Form step) to an external email address such as This should be used if the recipient is not a user within your HRWize environment. Further information on this step can be found here.
    • Please Note - When using this step, you should ensure you do not send forms that contain any sensitive data. As the recipient does not have an HRWize account, they will not be required to log in to view the form content. Additionally, take care when entering the email address(es) to ensure they only go to the person/people you want.
  • Send form which triggered workflow - When used alongside the option to trigger a workflow on form submission, this will send the form which triggered the workflow. Further information on this functionality is available here.
  • Send link to document - Send a link to view a company document.
  • Send link to page - Send a link to a specified page within the Pages feature in HRWize.  Further information on the Pages functionality is available here.
  • Send link to report - Send a link to a report that has already been built and shared in Report Builder. Note that the recipient will need to have the requisite permissions in order to view the report from the link. Further information on this step can be found here.  Further information on Report Builder Permissions can be found here.
  • Send new form - Send a new copy of a form created in the Form Builder.
  • Send slack message to channel - Sends a slack message to a specified Slack channel. This requires that Slack integration has been set up in your account. Further information on Slack integration with workflows can be found here.
  • Send slack message to specified recipient - Sends a slack message to a specified recipient or recipients via Slack. This requires that Slack integration has been set up in your account. Further information on Slack integration with workflows can be found here.
  • Yes / No - Send a task to the assigned individual, to appear in their workflow notices, which requires a yes/no answer.  The flow of the workflow is then determined by the answer.
    • If the recipient answers 'Yes' to this question, the workflow will move to the next step. 
    • If the recipient chooses 'No' there are 5 potential actions you can choose from:
      • End workflow - This ends the workflow and declines the following steps.
      • Trigger workflow - This will trigger an additional workflow, which should be a Task workflow. Until the triggered workflow is fully completed, the Yes/No step in this workflow will show the Pending state.
      • End workflow and trigger new workflow - This will end the current workflow, declining all following steps, and trigger an additional workflow at the same time.
      • Move to next step - This records the answer as No but allows the workflow to continue to the next step regardless.
      • Move to specified step - This allows the workflow to loop back to an earlier step. For example, if you required the user to do something in an assigned step and it was not done correctly when the user responds with a No, you could use this step to move the workflow process back to the assigning step.  Once completed, the workflow would continue until it reaches the Yes/No step again, creating a loop.
        Further information on this step type can be found here.
  • Yes / No - including existing form -  Similar to the Yes/No step above, but with the additional option to send an existing form on which to base the yes/no decision.  Further information on this step type can be found here.

Employee Tasks

  • Employee enter address - This creates a task for the employee that asks them to enter their address details.
  • Employee enter bank details - This creates a task for the employee that asks them to enter their bank details.
  • Employee enter emergency contact - This creates a task for the employee that asks them to enter their emergency contact details.
  • Employee upload document - This creates a task for the employee that asks to upload a document.


  • Assets check - This step produces a list of assets assigned to the workflow assignee (employee).
  • Bank details check - This step checks if the employee's bank details have been entered.
  • Document signature check - This step checks if a specific document has been signed.
  • Emergency contact details check - This step checks the system if the employee's emergency contact details have been entered.
  • Form check - This step checks if a specified form has been completed.
  • Mandatory document check - This step checks if a mandatory document is present.
  • Personal details check - This step checks if an employee's personal details have been entered.
  • Training check - This step checks if an employee has completed a specified training course.


  • Trigger Workflow - Trigger an additional Task workflow.


  • Send link to candidate's CV -  When used in a Recruitment workflow, this sends an email link to the candidate's CV.
  • Send link to candidate's file - When used in a Recruitment workflow, this sends a link to the candidate's file.
  • Update recruitment stage -  When used in a Recruitment workflow, this updates the candidate's recruitment stage.  

Further information on Recruitment workflows can be found here.

Approval Workflow Steps

In addition to the steps above, Approval workflows have several additional steps that can be undertaken as part of the approval process. 

  • Require Approval - Send a request to the associated user to approve a request from the assigned employee. If the option Any user can approve is enabled, the request will approve when any of these recipients will complete the approval action. Otherwise, it will await approval from all recipients before completion.  You can also optionally choose Notify Only to automatically approve the workflow step. 
  • Send JSON - Send a piece of JSON code to the assigned user. This could be used to send data on an expense claim to a finance system via email for example.
  • Send XML - Send a piece of XML code to the assigned user. This could be used to send data on an expense claim to a finance system via email for example.

Using multiple recipients

For most of the below step types, you can choose to send or assign the step to multiple recipients. When you choose to allocate multiple recipients, it is important to understand that while this shows a single step in the workflow builder and when the workflow is triggered, each assignee will create a step where each one will need to be approved individually.

For example, if you assign a task to the employee and to the manager, this will create a step for each which will need to be individually completed to progress the workflow.

The only exception to this is within approval workflows, where you can choose "Any user can approve". This will still create multiple steps in the workflow view (one for each recipient) but will only require one of the steps to be completed/recipients to approve to progress the workflow.

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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 4 years ago
  3. Updated 3 years ago
