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Workflow Step: Yes / No - Including Existing Form

There is a workflow step where you can send a Yes/No step to a workflow recipient and send a completed form along with it. This step can be used when you want someone to be able to review a form but not necessarily make any updates to the form itself.

Here is a employee request form set up to handle certain employee requests. As part of the approval process, we want a certain employee to be able to see the form responses and then mark whether they approve them or not with a Yes/No approval.

There are two steps in this workflow. The first step sends out the form to the employee for completion and the second step sends that completed form to a designated person.

Once the form is completed by the employee, the recipient on step 2 will receive a link to the form with a comment box and Yes/No buttons on his To Do List.

Once the recipient has approved the request. Their comment can be seen on the workflow progress screen.

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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 5 years ago
  3. Updated a year ago
