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Workflow Recipients

When triggering a workflow, many of the step types including "Assign to" and "Send email to specified recipient" will prompt you to add a recipient who will receive the workflow step.  

When adding recipients, you will be able to select from a number of options under the ROLES section in the dropdown: 

  • Employee -  This will send the workflow step to the employee that the workflow is associated with;
  • Candidate - This will send the workflow step to the recruitment candidate that the workflow is associated with;
  • Employee's manager - This will send the workflow step to the manager of the employee that the workflow is associated with;
  • Employee's approver -  This will send the workflow step to the approver of the employee that the workflow is associated with;
  • Employee's super approver - This will send the workflow step to the super approver of the employee that the workflow is associated with;
  • Employee's manager's manager -  This will send the workflow step to the manager of the manager of the employee that the workflow is associated with;
  • Employee's Head of department - This will send the workflow step to the head of the department for the employee that the workflow is associated with;
  • Employee's Head of HR
  • Employee's HR Business Partner
  • Hiring manager - This will send the workflow step to the hiring manager for the requisition that the candidate applied for;
  • Requester - This will send the workflow step to the individual who raised the requisition for a candidate;
  • HR mailbox - This will send the workflow to the email address specified in the Company settings for HR mailbox (or, if present, the email address specified in the employee's site or company for HR mailbox).  This step will then be accessible by all users in the HR user group;
  • Finance mailbox - This will send the workflow the email address specified in the Company settings for the Finance mailbox (or, if present, the email address specified in the employee's site or company for Finance Mailbox). This step will then be accessible by all users in the Finance user group;
  • Training mailbox - This will send the workflow to the email address specified in the Company settings for Training mailbox (or, if present, the email address specified in the employee's site or company for Finance mailbox). This step will then be accessible by all users in the Training user group;
  • Facilities mailbox - This will send the workflow to the email address specified in the Company settings for Facilities mailbox (or, if present, the email address specified in the employee's site or company for Finance mailbox). This step will then be accessible by all users in the Facilities user group.

As well as the predefined options (under the ROLES section in the list of recipients), you also have the option to select specific employees in your organization as the recipients. To see your list of employees, simply scroll down to the PEOPLE section in the list of recipients.

You can also type in the Recipients box to search for a particular user or group.


When a Mailbox is selected as the recipient of a workflow step, the notification email will go to the specified email address set up as the mailbox found on the company settings page located at:

Administration > Company > Settings > Company Settings

You can use multiple email addresses in your Mailboxes. If you do so, all of the specified email addresses will receive emails for that mailbox. When using multiple addresses, they must be separated with a comma, like so:

For a workflow step that requires action such as approval, any user assigned to the associated user group will be able to action the step. For example, if an approval step was sent to the HR Mailbox, any user with an HR level user will be able to action the step.

Site Level Mailboxes

If the workflow has been triggered against an employee who is assigned to a site that has a site-level HR mailbox specified, the notification will go to this email address and not the default notification email address.

Mailboxes can be specified at a site level under:

Administration > HR > Data Management > Sites

This could be used if you had regional HR teams looking after employees in those sites and wanted to ensure that only that regional team is notified for the employees in their sites.

Company Level Mailboxes

You can also add in different mailbox email addresses on a company level if you have different companies in your organization. Mailboxes can be specified at a company level under:

Administration > HR > Data Management > Companies

Once defined, these company level mailboxes will take precedent over all other mailboxes for who is the workflow is triggered for.

External Addresses

If you wish to add an external address as a workflow step recipient, you can use the Step type "Send email to (external) email address".

When selected, you will be prompted to type in the external addresses you wish to use. To send to multiple addresses, you will need to enter these with a comma between them, like so:

"Require Approval" Steps

When using a Require Approval workflow step, an email will go to the user's work email address and they will receive a notification to approve the workflow step. 

When setting up a step of this type you have the option to select 'Any recipient can approve'.  If you check this option, all recipients added to the step will receive both an email and an approval notification.

Once one of the recipients approves the workflow step the request is approved and the notification is removed from the other recipients' notices.

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