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Make Offer

One of the options you have in the Recruitment module, within the Candidate's profile, is to make an offer.

Before using this option, you will need to create a Job Offer template. To learn how to do this, click on this article

The Make Offer button is found under the action button:

When you click this section, you'll be brought to the "Make Employment Offer" page. Here, you can fill out all of the information associated with the job offer you intend to make:

Once submitted, you can go to Recruitment > Job Offers, and there you will have a list of pending job offers:

By clicking the 'Create letter of offer' action seen below, you can create an offer letter using the previously created template:

This will bring you to the "Letter of Offer" page. Here, you will have two drop-down menus:

  1. Document Template - This will give you the list of all templates you have created in Documents;
  2. Offer - This will be a list of the candidates whom you've submitted the "Make Offer" for.

When you click on 'Submit', your offer letter with all inputted details will be downloaded for your use.

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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 7 years ago
  3. Updated 2 years ago
