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Why can I see more information about an employee in the directory view, than when I click on their profile?

When you view the employee cards in the Directory, you can see their Job Title, Department, Manager, Site, Email and Recognition. 

However, when you click on the link to their profile, you may see less under their photo. This is normal. The directory is meant as a quick snapshot, whereas the profile can be much more.

To enable the employee profile, the employee must go to their name at the top right hand corner and click My Profile.

Here, you have the option to Toggle profile privacy. By enabling this, their profile becomes public to other employees. 

They can use the Pencil icon to edit their information in their profile. This will then show up when you click the employee's photo from the directory. 

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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 7 years ago
  3. Updated 3 years ago
