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When an employee decides to leave the company, there is a very simple process of making them 'Leaver' within the system.  This places the user as an archive as of their leave date and is also often referred to as 'archiving' an employee.

To make an employee a leaver, you will need to go to:

People > Employees

Select the relative employee and select the 'Leaver' icon:

Upon clicking the Leaver button, you will be presented with the leaver form:

  • Employee - A drop-down to select the employee name. This is a mandatory field and, when accessed from the employee card, is pre-populated.
  • Leaving date - The date at which the employee is leaving the organization. This is used to automatically pro-rate the employee's time off allowance based on their leaving date and is mandatory.
  • Resignation date - The date of the employee's resignation. Optional.
  • Last working day - The employee's last working day. Optional.
  • Reason - The employee's leave reason. This list is populated with the leave reasons defined in Administration > HR > Data Management > Exit Reasons and is mandatory. Click here for more information.
  • Document - This is an option you can turn on in Administration > Company > Company settings, and in the Document management section, set the "Leaver - include document" set to 'Yes'.
  • Regretted Leaver - This indicates if you feel that the employee's departure would have a negative impact and the business would prefer that they had continued in their employment.
  • Comments - Any optional comments you wish to record against the leaver.
  • Workflow - This may be used to select and trigger a workflow associated with the employee leaving. There may also be a continuous workflow running in the background that could be used to notify someone in the business that this employee is one or more of the following:
    • Key holder
    • Fire warden
    • First aider
    • Mental health first aider
    • Data protection

Click here for more information on triggering a continuous workflow.

Once submitted, the employee's time off allowance will be automatically pro-rated based on their leaving date. Click here to have a look at the calculations you can choose from regarding mid-year calculations.

If a future date has been added as a leave date, the employee will remain an active employee in the system until then - at which point their employee file will be moved into an archived state, which can be accessed via the "View Archived Employees" button located underneath the employee card:

Within the archive, you will be able to interact, view any documents, restore, or even delete the employee's file. 

Please Note - HRWize will never delete any employee's data from the system, If you no longer deem it necessary to keep a record of the files of your leavers, you will need to manually delete this from the system. Within HRWize, deletion is permanent and irreversible, so please exercise caution! 

Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 7 years ago
  3. Updated 3 years ago
