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  • How to setup HRWize and TeamTailor integration

    HRWize integrates with TeamTailor to allow you to move candidates from TeamTailor into HRWize automatically which have been hired in TeamTailor. This removes both the time and error potential of havin...

  • Allowing Managers Requesting Training on Behalf of Employee

    Within HRWize, managers have the ability to add training on behalf of an employee. To do so, go to: Administration > Company > Settings > Display Settings Scroll to the Manager views section and locat...

  • Employees Viewing Course Library

    HRWize allows you to create a library of training courses, which can either be assigned to an employee by their manager, or the employee user can submit a request to attend a training course via their...

  • Training Cost Report Available in Report Builder

    The Training Cost report is now available in your Report Builder. This report calculates the total cost of a training for your company (employee salary cost, tuition cost, and other costs). This repor...

  • Completing a Training Course Outcome

    When a manager assigns a training to an employee, or an employee requests training via their Self-Service, the training outcome section will only appear if the training date is in the past.  If you ad...

  • Training Courses Attendees Display

    In the Course Library Training courses, you can view a list of who attended the course and the outcome for each person. This is available under the Actions column, by clicking on the Attendees action ...

  • Auto Archive Expired Training

    If you go to: Administration > Company > Settings > Company Settings There is an option available where you can automatically archive expired training. In the Training section, set the Auto archive ex...

  • Training Result Options

    The following result options for training are as follows: Passed Completed Failed Attended Cancelled Did not show These are hardcoded into the system so they cannot be amended.  Please Note - These tr...

  • Submitted Training Requests

    When an employee requests a training, a notification is sent to the manager, and to the HR mailbox:  Once approved, the employee will receive a notification by email: Completed Training Once training ...

  • Training Course Attachments

    Within the training module, you have the ability to either add a course attachment to your course library, or you can add an attachment against a specific training record. To add an attachment or docu...