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Using Search CV for Existing Employees

Currently users are able to search Candidate's CV's for specific words / sentences Recruitment -> Search CV.

Unlike Candidates, the system does not recognize an existing Employee's document as a 'CV' and as such is not able to be searched in this way using the Documents search option. This option currently allows the user to search FOR a document, but not IN a document. 



In Recruitment -> Search CV the user is given the option to 'include Employees'.



This option allows the user to search the fields 'Experience, Education and Skills' found on the 'Job details' page of Employee -> 'Edit'. 


If customer's want to search the CVs of existing Employees then you can recommend they add the details from a Candidate’s CV to the mentioned fields. These will later display on an Employee -> 'View' record and can be searched using the ‘CV search’ option.


Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Lara

  2. Posted a year ago
  3. Updated 6 months ago
