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Changing Workflows

If you have an existing workflow that requires amending, please navigate to:

Administration > HR > Workflows 

You can either use the search bar to find the workflow you need, or use the page numbers/arrows at the lower of the screen to navigate. 


Select the Actions button against the workflow. Select Change Workflow. 

You will then be presented with all the existing steps currently in the workflow. 

If you want to amend a recipient against a step, select the actions button against the step. 

In the recipients field, you can remove or add an additional recipient using the recipient field. A drop down will be presented when you select the field. You can either scroll through or type to search:



Select the desired recipient and this will appear in the field:



If you are using send email externally, then add in the required email. If using multiple please separate with a comma:



If you would like to add a step to a workflow. Use the Add Step button located on the lower of the Change Workflow page:



You can then add an additional step to the workflow. 

If you would like to reorder the workflow, for example you may wish to add a step between the existing steps 4 and 5, then you can use the Workflow Step Order field. 



You will then need to re-order any following steps accordingly.

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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 2 years ago
