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Form Example: Application

This form recipe will detail the steps required to create a simple Application form for candidates to complete. If you'd like to use this recipe as a base-line for creating your own Application form it's a good way to get a complete form which you can add to or alter after it's creation.

The Form

There are a few different fields within the form creation page which we need to configure, please find them listed below along with the values we'll use.

  1. Form Name - Application form.
  2. Form Description - Add as required.
  3. Form Type - Application form.
  4. Form Tag - Add as required.
  5. User groups access - Add as required (by default Admin and HR users can access this form but you can extend this to the Hiring manager and Finance users).
  6. Rotate Download - No (this is entirely up to you regarding how you'd like form downloads to display in a CSV).
  7. Trigger Workflow on Submission - Blank
  8. Status - Active.

Once those fields are all filled in click Submit, you should then see a green success banner.

If you now click the Build Form button you'll be taken into the form builder where we can add in our fields.

Form Builder

First we'll add a heading to the form:

  1. Field Display Label - Application Form Heading.
  2. Mandatory Field - No.
  3. Candidate Field - Blank.
  4. Field Type - Heading.
  5. Values - Return To Work Form.

No need for any advanced options changes here so we can just click Add, you'll then see the field on the right like so:

Now we'll add the rest of our fields for the employee to input information into and we'll use "Candidate fields" to automatically populate the candidate profile:


  1. Field Display Label - Surname.
  2. Mandatory Field - Yes.
  3. Candidate Field - Surname
  4. Field Type - Text box - single line.

First name:

  1. Field Display Label - First name.
  2. Mandatory Field - Yes.
  3. Candidate Field - Firstname
  4. Field Type - Text box - single line.


  1. Field Display Label - Title.
  2. Mandatory Field - Yes.
  3. Candidate Field - Title
  4. Field Type - Select Dropdown.
  5. Value - Mr,Mrs,Ms,Other (you can add any others you would like just separate them by commas)

Address line 1:

  1. Field Display Label - Address line 1.
  2. Mandatory Field - Yes.
  3. Candidate Field - Address
  4. Field Type - Text box - single line.

Address line 2:

  1. Field Display Label - Address line 2.
  2. Mandatory Field - No.
  3. Candidate Field - Address2
  4. Field Type - Text box - single line.


  1. Field Display Label - Town/City.
  2. Mandatory Field - Yes.
  3. Candidate Field - Town
  4. Field Type - Text box - single line.


  1. Field Display Label - Postcode.
  2. Mandatory Field - Yes.
  3. Candidate Field - Postcode
  4. Field Type - Text box - single line.

Home Telephone:

  1. Field Display Label - Home telephone.
  2. Mandatory Field - No.
  3. Candidate Field - Home tel
  4. Field Type - Number.

Mobile Telephone:

  1. Field Display Label - Mobile Telephone.
  2. Mandatory Field - Yes.
  3. Candidate Field - Mobile
  4. Field Type - Number.


  1. Field Display Label - Email.
  2. Mandatory Field - Yes.
  3. Candidate Field - Email

Driving licence:

  1. Field Display Label - Do you hold a valid driving licence & have access to a car?
  2. Mandatory Field - Yes.
  3. Candidate Field - Driving Licence

Right to work:

  1. Field Display Label - Do you have the right to work in the UK?
  2. Mandatory Field - Yes.
  3. Candidate Field - Right to work


  1. Field Display Label - CV.
  2. Mandatory Field - Yes.
  3. Candidate Field - CV

Once all of these fields are added it should look like so:

This guide serves as a guideline for creating a very simple application form, You may want to add things such as your company logo or neaten up the form with sections/pages or simply collect more information from your candidates, then feel free to use this as a foundation for your own form. 

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  1. Lara

  2. Posted a year ago
  3. Updated 7 months ago
