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Editing a Form With Responses

The HRWize form builder gives you the ability to create and use custom forms which can be used to collect and report on recorded data from responses. 

Forms with existing responses can be edited but the items within the form which can be edited is limited, you will not be able to add, delete or duplicate fields, you can only work with existing fields. To get around this obstacle you can instead duplicate the form you'd like to edit and make any changes you like to the duplicated form as it will have no responses.

To edit a form, go to:

Administration -> Company or HR -> Form builder

 Once you're in Form Builder locate the form you'd like to edit and click the Actions button followed by Form Builder.

At the top of the form builder screen you will see an information banner telling you that your ability to modify the form has been limited.

What changes can you make?

 You can click on the 'Edit' action on any field in the form to carry out the following changes: 

  • Field display label - If you update the field display label then this will update the corresponding report dataset, if it exists, so reporting will be updated to use the new label.
  • Mandatory field - You can change from 'Yes' to 'No' and vice versa.
  • Field type - You cannot make any changes to the field type, so you cannot change a text field to a dropdown for example.


  • Database field name - this cannot be changed.
  • Clone field - you cannot change clone field status.
  • Field description - you can edit, add or delete field description information.


  • Uneditable once completed - If you choose 'Yes', once this field has a value entered and the form is submitted, it will not be able to be changed again.
  • Field order - You can reorder fields.


  • HTML field - For HTML content, you can change the content entirely i.e. remove and replace but you cannot remove the field itself.


For custom values in dropdown, checkbox and radioboxes, you can add additional values to the list but you cannot edit or delete existing values already in the list.


  • Candidate field - you cannot edit this field in an application form where it is is linked to the relevant field in Candidates.



  • Field weighting (%) - for forms which use 'Field weighting'. it is not possible to change the weighting set in the field.
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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted a year ago
  3. Updated a year ago
