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Multiple Timesheets In The Same Week

By default, the HRWize system will only allow you to put a single timesheet for a specific week causing your old submitted timesheet to go back into draft status once raising the new entries. However, it is now possible to allow the system to generate a separate timesheet entry for the previously existing week.

To enable this you will first need to switch on the core setting found by going to:

Administration > Company > Settings > Timesheets > Timesheet Settings

 In the General settings section, select 'Yes' from the "Allow multiple timesheets for each week" option to enable this functionality:

Once enabled, when raising a timesheet for a specific week that already has a timesheet previously submitted rather than re-opening the entry for editing, it will instead create a new timesheet for the existing week. 

This new timesheet will share the same week start date as the previously existing sheet but be given a new ID number and newly created timestamp. Both of which will be visible when viewing timesheets via the timesheets screen, or via self-service as an employee. 

When raising the new timesheet and selecting a Week beginning date where a submitted timesheet already exists, you will see a section below the Date selection options called "Added days" shown below: 

This "Added days" section relates to any days that have been added to other timesheets that exist for the same week that you are raising the current timesheet for.

Select the day or days you wish to add timesheet details for from the day/date options in the top "Date" row.

After entering the details and clicking on 'Add daily entry', the new details will also then appear in the Added days row.

Once these timesheets have been added, they will function in the same way as any other timesheets for the purpose of reporting. You will both see the existing pre-submitted timesheet and the new timesheet you have just added for the same week beginning:

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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 4 years ago
  3. Updated 2 years ago
