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Submitting a Timesheet

Within HRWize, the timesheets module will allow users to complete and submit timesheets based on hours that they have worked. 

To submit a timesheet, on your home page, go to Self Service > My requests > Timesheets > Add.

Please Note - The screenshot in this article may vary from your experience, depending on how your company has configured the system. In this case, please follow the instructions given to you by your HR department. This article will simply outline the basic process of submitting timesheets.

  1. Select the specific date you're entering the timesheet for. You can select multiple days here by holding ALT and clicking the days.
  2. Choose the Timesheet Reference, Start Time, End Time, Breaks, whether the time off is billable and add any comments as required;
  3. Add the entry to the timesheet using the Add Entry button.
  4.  Select the Week beginning date from the dropdown;

Please Note - You can add multiple days to the same timesheet entry before submitting, simply repeat the above process for each day.

The next step is to submit the timesheet for approval, by going to:

Self-Service > My Requests > Timesheets.

Then, select the Confirm icon in the Actions column, next to the timesheet you want to submit.

Check if all of the information on the screen is correct. Check the box to confirm the declaration, and click the Submit button to submit the form for approval.

A green banner will confirm that the timesheet has successfully been submitted for approval.

Once your timesheet has been approved or rejected, you will receive an email letting you know the outcome of this request. You will also see either the approved or rejected outcome under the recent actions section of your home page.

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