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Department Visual Planner

As an Admin or HR level user in HRWize, you have the ability to be able to see a visual representation of the schedules of a department broken down by month. This can be accessed by going to:

Time and Attendance > Planner

Once selected, you will be presented with a screen similar to this:

By default, it will always show the current month and the first department alphabetically. You can always change the department using the dropdown at the top left and the 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons at the bottom of the screen.

To see more of the month, you can use the slider under the employees to scroll left or right. This will allow you to have a visual display of working pattern data as well as any company holidays and time off.

Each tile is colour coded to a different status. If you hover a tile, it will show the status of that tile such as any non-working day or the time off reason:

  • Green - Normal working day
  • Orange - Missing Time record(s)
  • Light blue - Time off
  • Dark Blue - Mandatory holiday
  • Grey - Non-working day

To find out more about options for working patterns in the system, please click on the Working Patterns article.

Can employees see the planner?

There is an option to allow employees (i.e. anyone not in HR or Admin level users) to access the planner.

This is enabled by going to:

Administration > Company > Settings > Displays settings

In the Employee views section, set the "Planner visible to employees" to 'Yes':

Once enabled, employees will see the Planner by going to:

Self-service > My requests > Planner

Please Note - This shows employees the EXACT same view as Admin and HR level users. There are no limitations applied to this, meaning everyone across the business can see the working patterns and time off for everyone else across the business.

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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 5 years ago
  3. Updated 3 years ago
