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Working Patterns

Within HRWize, it is possible to create flexible working patterns that can be used if an employee's working days differ as the weeks go on. 

For example, if Joe works Monday to Friday every week but then works every 3rd Saturday - this can be automated using Working Patterns. Likewise, this feature can be used in simple shift pattern scenarios such as 4 days on and 4 days off.

Enabling Flexible Working Patterns

To enable the working patterns feature; as an administrator, you will need to go to:

Administration > Company > Settings > Display Settings

From here, select the Working Patterns checkbox beneath the Module Display section:

Once submitted, a new icon will appear on the employee file, under the Time and Attendance heading for Working Pattern.

Once inside, three different types of working patterns will appear, each of these is outlined throughout this article.

Alternating Pattern

For example, as mentioned before if an employee worked every Monday to Friday and every 3rd Saturday, this would be inputted as the below:

If the employee's time is being managed in hours rather than days, instead of entering 1 in each of the boxes, you should enter how many hours per day this employee will be working. 

Working patterns will then be taken into account when employees are completing other actions such as requesting time off or submitting timesheets.

Varying pattern

HRWize allows you to add unlimited varying week working patterns. This functionality allows you to add varying working patterns spread across as many weeks as you require.

The varying pattern allows you to define different days for particular weeks. For example, during "Week 1", an employee may work Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday however, during the following week, the employee may work Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. This should be entered as below in this instance:

If the employees' time off is being calculated in hours rather than days, you should enter the number of hours which they will be doing each day in this section instead of "1". 

You are able to select Add Week situated under the Pattern fields to add additional weeks to the working pattern.

If you add a week in error or it is not required, then select Remove Last and this will remove the last week that was added.

The small checkbox above the table labelled "Weeks pattern loop until end date?" will give you the ability to automatically cycle through the working pattern until the end date which will need to be entered at the top of the page. If the end date or checkbox is left blank, the working pattern by default will cycle through automatically until the end of your holiday year. 

On/Off Pattern

You can also populate working patterns based on the number of days in which an employee works and then does not work by simply putting these figures in the respective fields. 

Once submitted, this will populate the working days' list but on the 4 days on and 4 days off basis. 

Once any of the above three patterns have been populated, the list at the bottom of the page will populate automatically with the dates when this employee is working - with the option to manually add, edit or delete any of the working day entries.

Please Note - Using the days on and days off system will not take into account public or company holidays and will purely calculate the working pattern from the provided data. Any amendments to this pattern must be made manually.

Adding Breaks to Working Patterns

You are able to add breaks into Working Patterns so that these are now accounted for within the pattern set.

When creating a Working Pattern, there is an option to select Include breaks in pattern?.

When completing the Working Pattern, if breaks have been selected to be included, there will be additional boxes to add breaks into the Working Pattern. Enter the break value in minutes for this to apply.

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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 7 years ago
  3. Updated 5 months ago
