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Show Requisitions on Job Portal

When adding or editing a requisition, there is an option that allows you to choose whether a requisition appears on your job portal or not. To do this, go to:

Recruitment > Requisitions

Once there, either click Add to create a new requisition or click on the Edit action on one of your existing requisitions.

For the requisition to appear on your job portal:

  1. Requisition status: Active
  2. Show on portal?: Yes
  3. Go live date: If left blank, the requisition will appear immediately, otherwise, it will appear when the date is reached.
  4. Closing date: The requisition will no longer be visible on the job portal if you have added a closing date and that date has been reached.
  5. Close requisition: If set to Yes, when completing a Candidate to Employee process, the requisition will be closed and will no longer be displayed on the job portal.

If any of these conditions are not met, there will be a message stating that "There are currently no available jobs" displayed on your job portal.

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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 5 years ago
  3. Updated 2 years ago
