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Adding Documents to New Employees and Leavers

Uploading documents to new employees

First, we need to turn on the settings in:

People > Employees

Depending on your settings at the bottom of the screen, you will see Add and Quick Add. Quick Add is the bare minimum you can add to an employee, whereas Add is where you put the Full Add of the employee's information. therefore, we added new settings.

First, we need to turn on the new settings by going to:

Administration > Company > Settings > Company Settings

Once reached that page, jump into the Document Management section, you will see 3 fields, where you set all to 'Yes':

  • Full add - include documents
  • Full add - include photo
  • Leaver - include document

Go back to People > Employees and click on 'Addat the bottom left of the page. Fill in the necessary information of the employee. Once reached the Documents section, you are now able to add documents and a photo of the employee. Click 'Submit' once everything is now finalized by the employee.

Uploading documents to leavers

  1. Go on 'Card View'.
  2. Once you are on Card view, click on 'Leaver'.
  3. Scroll down to Documents, and this is where you can upload a Resignation Letter or email as part of this process.
  4. Once filled, click 'Submit'. This will mark that this employee is leaving the company.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. HRWize

  2. Posted 6 years ago
  3. Updated 2 years ago
